
If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

This directly conflicts with the girl in question’s actual statements regarding the kiss:

Martin Luther King died for THIS???

There is nothing in this article or the linked article that says she had to fight. The linked article says “she made sure that she got paid the same as her Doctor Who predecessor Peter Capaldi” and clearly she did. Maybe she had to negotiate or maybe she just opened with “whatever you paid him, I want the same” and

“why wouldn’t I dislike black people, they’re X.”

I see the resident rape apologist is out and already starred. Fantastic. Here’s why I don’t buy that men “don’t understand what’s going on with women”: because it’s bullshit. There have been multiple studies that have proven over and over again that men do understand body language and non-verbal cues, they just choose

Hey Bruh...long-time reader, first time replier. Little Dicky Durbin is actually a high-ranking Dem from round my way (Illinois) and he rantolddat shortly after the meeting:

You can’t really blame a kid for having shitty parents though. If the kid wasn’t really being bullied or was bullying that’s a different story, but I’m not willing to consign you to the trash heap because your parents suck.

“But then, the internet found out that Keaton’s parents are card-carrying racists and took back their support. This in no way condones bullying, but it does make you question white tears.”

You could have just typed “I hate myself”. La croix is the nastiest thing since gargling peroxide.

I got a chance to listen to listen to West’s interview with The Root that will come out and a few days. I think it is within bounds for West to challenge Coates’ writings and philosophy in the name of intellectual discussion. I don’t have a problem with that’s. While I like Coates, I don’t think his writings are

I’m a little disappointed that when I clicked on the headline for this article, the entire body wasn’t just the word: “Yes.”

The whole Republican Party has gone anti-semantic. I mean, Trump is two years into an all-out assault on meaning itself.

What about stepping on Lego?

Lena is a dumpster fire wearing an asbestos pussy hat 

Now playing

“So now you gonna shoot me in my pinky toe?”

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f— it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo,” Dunham continued. “I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, ‘This

Shaun King can eat dick. He said Hillary was worse than Trump. Let him wear that shame forever. Maybe this is guilt creeping in.

Yeah, you wouldn’t want a situation like Ghost in the Shell again where a Japanese character was played by a white person and about 300 lily-white Oberlin College sophomores and ZERO ACTUAL CITIZENS OF THE NATION OF JAPAN got really upset.