
One thing I have a problem with in this article is that Sylvia Rivera did not die “shortly” after Marsha P. Johnson and she didn’t die of a broken heart. She died 10 years later from complications due to liver cancer. Rivera continued her activism for most of that time.

“Other disorderly conduct...” - Well, that’s about as clear and well defined as shadow on a foggy, moonless night.

I think it is you who need a history lesson in regards to dreadlocks. African culture is not the only, or even the first culture to wear dreadlocks. There are examples going back as far the Bronze Age, to the Minoan civilization.  They were part of Ancient Greek and Spartan civilizations. Other examples can be found

Hypocrites and bastards, all. The GOP are most craven, foul, corrupt, rotten excuses for human beings that this country has to offer. The KKK and neo-Nazis wish they could be as evil as these fuckers, who grin as they screw anyone who isn’t an old, straight, white male, who wrap themselves up in the flag and the Bible

This is ridiculous. Chadwick Boseman is not the *exact* shade of black that Thurgood Marshall was, so he can’t play him in a movie? This is akin to people complaining that Daniel Craig can’t play James Bond because his hair is blonde. Chadwick Boseman is a fine actor and shouldn’t be subjected to nitpicky, silly

So, by the Michael Harriot definition, racists are racist and non-racists are also racists. More Kobayashi Maru, Catch-22 nonsense. Do you never tire of twisting reality to suit your bullshit narrative?

The “typical” white person isn’t racist, and they don’t get upset because they aren’t “used to being stereotyped”, they get upset because it’s fucking insulting to be called a racist when you’re not one.

Tiger Woods is a grown-ass man. Don’t make his father’s death an excuse for his shitty behavior.

Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

First, the point I was making, if it wasn’t clear, was that that statement was the *only* connection to anything remotely related to BLM. Second, you’re making it sound as if they killed him as part of a conspiracy to keep people from knowing why he shot a bunch of people, instead of killing him to stop him from

I fail to understand why The Root cannot publish one article, cannot address a single topic, cannot discuss anything without shitting all over “white people”. Not some or even many white people, not racist white people, but white people, period. And when anyone complains or questions this, they’re met with “oh, boo

The fact that you think this has anything to do with how many white people die shows that you know nothing about this issue.

From the New York Times:

Well, now he has the privilege of being fucking dead. Too bad he couldn’t suffer every death he caused. Good riddance.

You’re fucking disgusting. Dozens of people are dead, hundreds injured and you think this is the perfect time to go on a rant against white people? Whether the shit you say is true (white people need to do something about guns) or not (none of the news coverage I’ve read or seen suggested the shooter was any specific

Correction: Hugh, not High. My bad.

Enough with the High Hefner crap already. He was a sleazebag, everyone knew it, it’s been covered and he’s dead. If you wanted to shine a light on him, you shoulda done it when he was alive.

30 pieces of silver, Angela. If you’re going to quote the Bible, do it correctly.

What the fuck are you even talking about? No one thinks that this isn’t about race - it’s just fucking stupid to even suggest otherwise. Meanwhile you ignore the actual problem - which is that now everyone’s so caught up in debating about whether football players should sit, stand, lock arms, kneel, pray or do the

I don’t care for the outfits because I think they’re ugly, but I don’t think they’re inappropriate.