All Trump voters are, by definition, very stupid.
All Trump voters are, by definition, very stupid.
Okay so she’s a liar and a thief, but why exactly is this on The Root?
Back in January, her attorney tried to convince the court that she wasn’t competent to stand trial because of she had “significant mental deficits” and other “cognitive limitations”- shocking.…
I fail to understand The Root’s need to give attention to people who seek it but don’t deserve it. Jay Mohr doesn’t deserve our attention. Random racists on the street, or in an airport or Wal-Mart don’t deserve our attention. It’s one thing to call out high profile people who exhibit racist behavior, it’s another to…
Yeah, I give not one single shit about whether Comey is a spurned lover, a petty jackass, or playing stupid - as long as he has something that pushes us closer to the end of Trump’s presidency.
Now that his girlfriend from 14 years ago has weighed in on TMZ, can we stop with the Bill Maher articles?
I’m all for Maher getting bitch slapped around for using the n-word, but I don’t really know why everyone thinks Ice Cube is the man for the job. At least, not 2017 Ice Cube.
Neither do I.
I actually agree with a lot of what you’re saying. Words have power because we let them have power and I don’t think Bill Maher’s intention was to offend. I think his intention was to shock.
Tacky, culturally appropriative & insulting.
I am pretty sure that people will just have to exercise some self-control, then.
You know what dude? If black folks wanna call each other that word, or black artists wanna use it in songs, it’s up to the black community to decide when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. Non-black folks don’t get to decide that and when they use it, it’s ALWAYS offensive. As for what other races do - so what?
It’s two-thousand goddamn seventeen and there’s a white dude who still doesn’t get that whether you spell it with an “er” or an “a”, WHITE PEOPLE DON’T GET TO USE THE MOTHER FUCKING N-WORD. EVER. JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY.
Black Pride for black people only? Sounds right to me right now, but I hope that one day black folks won’t need to have a safe space in order to feel some “ownership of spaces once excluded” - especially in the LGBT community.
Maybe The Root should start a roundup series called “This Week in Dumb Racism”...
Stop. giving. Rachel. Dolezal. attention.
Yep. From the hashtag in the headline to the idea that no one thought of LeBron James as “just another n-word” until we were in “Trump’s America”, the author is saying that Trump brought racism back, and my point is that it never went away to begin with.
You don’t think these people thought about or even did this kind of shit before the election? Please. No one listened to Trump and suddenly became a flaming racist. That hate was already there.
My one and only problem with this article is the idea that racism has “returned” because of Trump. It hasn’t, because it never went away. Obama didn’t make racism magically disappear. Sure, racist scumbags have gotten more bold since the election, but let’s please not fool ourselves into thinking that we can blame…