
The level of cognitive and emotional dissonance I am experiencing after reading this article is pretty high. I’ve always thought it’s far too easy for people to get guns in America, but I like that NAAGA is at least teaching people how to use them properly. I don’t think that more guns are the answer or that they

Harvey Dent 2020?

I am not in any way trying to minimize racism in education - I was just pointing out that it’s not the only bias that needs to be addressed. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a poor white kid or a middle-class black kid or a rich latino kid or any of the other combinations you can think of - we need teachers to see them all

Racism isn’t the only problem with teachers. Many teachers, no matter their gender or race, also discriminate based on gender and/or class. The high school I went to had a mix of kids from lower middle and upper middle to upper class neighborhoods. There was no school uniform dress code, and the way a teacher treated

Even that would be preferable to some of the things he has planned. Plus, that dump would probably make a better President than him.

Whatever the hell her name is now, this woman doesn’t deserve attention of any kind. There is no value in discussing her antics.

Coming up next: Water is wet!

Fixed that headline for ya.

I am on speaking terms with all but one of my significant exes; I don’t talk to them regularly, but when we run into each other either in the real world or online, it’s not weird or stalkery or anything else. Why? Because these relationships had ends. There was a conversation, in person. It wasn’t comfortable or easy,

Or, Oprah likes making money and when it comes down to it, she doesn’t really care how that happens.

Everything Michael says about Richard Spencer is probably true, but that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy watching him get punched in his stupid Nazi face over and over again.

I will never understand what makes people do things like this. I don’t even want to understand it. How can anyone have so much hate in their heart that it makes them want to kill people they don’t even know? The news always tries to give us some reason - they didn’t like black people, they didn’t like white people,

My response will simply be to copy and paste the headline of the article you linked, for those among us who apparently need to get it into their thick skulls.

Good riddance. The only tragedy here is that he took an innocent old man’s life before his own.

Mediocre is a stretch.

I disagree that our society is ruled by selfish, thoughtless dickheads. Those kinds of people are there, as they are everywhere, but so are good, thoughtful and kind people. I do agree that thoughtless and selfish behavior is rewarded too often in our society. What this man did didn’t happen by magic; it happened by ch

I see very little difference in blaming mental illness vs blaming “toxic masculinity” - oh, it’s not his fault, it’s <insert mental illness here> / it’s the culture of toxic masculinity. Maybe he’s just an asshole. Maybe the way he acts isn’t his ex-girlfriend’s fault, or his bookie’s fault, or society’s fault, or the

My apologies. Both The Root’s article and another article I read at the time I posted my comment had the victim’s name as Goodwin.

Don’t forget this face. This is the face of Robert Goodwin, Sr. - an innocent 74 year-old man, that a piece of garbage shot down in the street for no reason at all and then posted it on Facebook to satisfy his selfish, disgusting, twisted need for attention.