
Funny, I didn’t realize that Korean-American Christians were responsible for appropriating jazz, funk, R&B, rock ’n’ roll and the entire hip-hop culture.

I love that she seems to think that because she went on The View and said she was pro-choice, that everyone (especially women) would suddenly forget literally all of the other things that have come out of her ignorant mouth, and have her back against mean ol’ Glenn Beck.

No, what she did was to tell me to go away because she didn’t like what I had to say. I like The Root - I like and agree with a lot of the articles here. But it’s not required that I like everything every author posts, and when that happens, I don’t see anything wrong with saying so.

And if you don’t like what I have to say, you have the choice to say something or sit there and be quiet, just like I do.

This is important, this is worth not forgetting about, this is worth outrage and disgust. Wine in a 40 oz. bottle and an ill-conceived Pepsi commercial pale in comparison to the kind of brutality and inhumanity on display here.

You don’t have to be here either, nor do you have to respond to my comments. And if you don’t like what I have to say, you have the choice to say something or sit there and be quiet, just like I do. You’re not any more important that I am. So take your little dismissal and shove it up your ass.

Are you on a mission to prove that there is nothing so silly or petty that you can’t get upset about it? If so, good job.

The only good news here is that this monster will never be free again. It doesn’t matter whether he ever regrets what he’s done - no amount of regret can equal the pain and loss he’s caused.

It’s not a house, idiot. He’s increasing the value and importance of an exclusive resort property he owns, while the American people pay for his security and travel. If he wants to get away from Washington DC, he can take his ass to Camp David, which less expensive for the taxpayers and more secure, you ignorant

I get what you’re saying, and I can understand why you feel the way you do. I just don’t see the world in such binary terms - I think Donald Trump is odious - not just because of his racism, but because of his entire worldview - there is not one thing I agree with him on. And I do hold people who voted for Trump

I’m not ignoring anything. Voter suppression is racist. Period. Donald Trump is racist. Period. People who voted for Donald Trump who aren’t themselves racist ignored his racism and are partially to blame for his victory. But everyone who could have voted but didn’t and everyone who voted for someone who had no chance

So, it’s ok to ignore racism by doing nothing about it or doing something that’s utterly useless? Good to know.

Yeah, that response didn’t make much sense to me. Thanks for the clarification. I was pointing out that some people advocate against asking questions, that’s all. :)

My first suggestion would be to ignore everything Michael Harriot writes - he’s a small, bitter person who contributes nothing but hatred and bile.

I don’t​ care, because that wasn’t the point. Your response goes on and on about you have no idea where someone would get the idea that asking questions is a bad idea or discouraged. My response was just one example of something I’ve seen expressed many times on The Root and other sites.

Embarrassed white person here...

I’m willing to accept that logic, as long as you’re willing to accept that everyone who didn’t vote, or who voted for a candidate other that Hillary Clinton is complicit as well, not having considered Trump’s racism to be a dealbreaker.

Your argument tries to excuse all white people and all police officers from blame, while Carrie’s argument tries to blame all white people and all police officers. You’re both wrong.

No, it’s far more complicated than either of you make it out to be, and your generalizations are just as uninformed and harmful as Phunkydiabetic’s. I can’t stand Donald Trump; I think he’s the worst person we’ve ever elected President. But that doesn’t mean that everyone who voted for him is a racist or a white

I wonder if the same person on Kendall Jenner’s team is simultaneously dumb enough to convince her that this ad was a good idea and smart enough to get Pepsi to shield her now that it’s all gone pear-shaped.