This. She’s exhausting.
This. She’s exhausting.
My son was 5 when I built the Simpsons house, and holds a grudge to this day that I hoarded it and built all sneaky-like. Mama didn’t want to share so he never even knew I had it. Just stash in a mid size storage bin under the bed! But if your kid is anything like mine, prepare for her wrath when the finished product…
If you can swing the cost, I highly recommend splurging on a big Lego set. There are some great Star Wars sets, or Lego city/creator. I was recovering from surgery a couple years ago and built the Simpsons house which was awesome and is now displayed prominently in my living room.
I dig this comment and I love your username!
I just found the whole video on Slate... at first all I could find were clips beginning with the Lala producer saying “moonlight won” but I wanted to cringe through the whole affair- beginning to end. I must say it did not disappoint.
Nearly every year I DVR the Oscars just because. And every year I delete it without watching because 9/10 I couldn’t care less about the movies or actors nominated.
I’ve been obsessed with/ terrified of this movie for like 20 years.
I’ve been laid up & depressed with an injury and recently re watched Big Love in its entirety...he was so amazing in that. Very sad to see he’s passed! And also obsessing a little more about my upcoming surgery...
Ugh. And his breath and pores just wafting same. +grease and old sweat and yeast.
My beloved baby brother tried some “don’t be so dismissive out the gate. You’re not even listening to what he has to say” during the first debate. Nononono little man, YOU’RE not listening.
It’s been on my shortlist for a year+ so I am happy to see folks disputing its ranking! I still want to/will visit, but it surprised me to see it so low.
Generally, popular girls were good at soccer and socially aggressive
Boy George’s graceful bow-out once he sniffed out the fuckery on the horizon was everything.
I had to google because I couldn’t believe this was really a real thing in real life that is really for real.
Zero Debt is never wrong! Being smart with your coins, which may not always be the case for your friends and their exotic trips...that’s what I tell myself when I have similar thoughts, anyway.
Pilot P-700 precise gel ink roller ball (.7mm, black ink) or gtfo.
This detail disturbs me more than anything else.
ummm I would be fucking devastated over that box of journals dude- pissed grieving and straight up violated. I feel for you.