
This is the best possible outcome. In the same way that Penn State’s refusal to just pay the settlements and their decision to sue their insurance company brought forth new evidence, this will be an even bigger shit show where Baylor and Briles will try to rip each other’s heads off and both will come out of looking

You’ve gone one step further than the vast majority of Penn staters, who continue to deny Joepa’s responsibility, who have literally ousted trustees for “caving” to the NCAA, etc. We (and yes, I am one) may not have known about it, but we shouldn’t spend all of our waking moments telling other people it’s time to move

Since we’re being technical, it’s in University Park, which is next to/surrounded by state college ;)

Why is it so hard to understand that someone can still be given credit for achieving something while we still acknowledge that that person benefits greatly from their race, gender, or whatever? They’re not mutually exclusive.

Assuming you know what you’re talking about, I just learned infinitely more about cricket than I previously knew. A superb summary.

As a mavs fan, this comment broke my heart. As a human being, on the other hand, I chuckled hard.

Trump should be thanking his lucky stars that reasonable limits to the second amendment exist- such as not being allowed to carry at one of his rallies. Else how many clips would have been emptied as all those good guys with guns did what they do best?

When are the charges for assault being filed?

There’s no way that poor 90 year old woman is still kickin’.

Out of curiosity, what is Romo’s qbr this season?

I support his right to celebrate with the official, but the humping was over the line.

The looks on some of those fans’ faces rivals some of the best war photography ever shot.

Who won?

Trump is a gun half loaded, which you know is almost certain to misfire and blow your fucking head off.

As long as you realize Penn State does the stupid “the” thing too.

Read the comments section from the Collegian on any article about Penn State and tell me with a straight face that the average Penn State fan deserves a decent team.

As a Penn Stater who is absolutely disgusted with Penn State and its fanbase, I’m happy for this win because I think it secures Franklin’s job for at least a year or two. And he is a terrible coach who will keep PSU mediocre at best.

I’m not sure that it’s that cut and dry- does advice and consist allow, for example, for refusal to consider? I’m not a constitutional scholar so I have no idea.

Legal question: can the president sue congress?

Pretty sure he just concussed a packer, too.