
sessions is obviously going to be confirmed. mcconnell just didn’t want to hear a lady talking anymore.

senate rule 19 actually uses the word “impute” NOT “impugn”. they are not the same thing. he just wanted that little lady to sit down and shut up.

ivana also left him — she filed first for divorce. i suspect there has been a clause in the two succeeding pre-nups that the wives will get less money if they leave him. this explains melania still living in what looks to be abject emotional misery.

people who actually have npd, and are not armchair diagnosed by a friend, don’t ever see their flaws or faults. they can see failings of others, and/or project them, from 1000 paces though.

he’s incapable of feeling shame. anger and spite, sure.

This is about an 8 year old child.

if he orders any agencies to defy court orders he will be in contempt and subject to arrest.

when i watch the sprotsball, i regularly see an advert for a pill specifically prescribed for opiod-induced constipation. the guy looks longingly at a dog across the street easily taking a shit. so, yeah, another pill to fix the side effects of a pill.

I know we are supposed to help build each other up as women,

because the beyonce-carter family is richer than croesus and don’t face tribulations like mere mortals?

secret service is paying rent for office space in trump tower. to donald trump.

it also needlessly hassles thousands of people each day who try to live and work on that stretch of 5th avenue.

lohan looks 60 years old and i don’t think she is even 30.

so she’s all bones and bald? so looks like a cancer patient? sexy, real sexy.

i really don’t get why you hate cnn but still watch it? it’s flaming garbage and there are countless ways to get news now. it ceased being a solid source of info a very long time ago.

the hat was what? 18 months ago? since then brady has made no overtly political statements or actions — unlike kraft who was in trump tower the day after the election. anybody blowing smoke up his ass about trump?

we also know he feels no remorse about anyone killed and will likely feel compelled to GO BIGGER on the next op.

He’s so concerned with seeming tough, and has so little capacity to make good careful decisions and so little ZERO concern for other people (especially Muslims

“back then” most elected officials actually put country and their constituents first. craven asshats who want to shred our very tenets of democracy is a relatively recent development. these guys have zero interest in actually “governing” or making the country a better place for anyone other than themselves.

how do these people live? is there really that much money left from when she was on oc?