
Nicholson wasn’t in the house, but it was his house.

no. are you trying to tell me at 12 years old you didn’t know hurting or KILLING was wrong? c’mon now. BABIES and toddlers are taught not to hurt their pets, siblings or other creatures.

watching the cavs & the cubs at the white house just recently i already felt wistful. barack and michelle exuded utter joy bringing these athletes into their house and you could see how excited all the players were. so: A) cheetolini has zero patience for anything that doesn’t revolve around himself and B) would any

warren is “my senator” and i agree she is more effective in congress.

She also lives at the beck and call of a raging, powerful narcissist.

those shoes though? as bad as the whole thing is, she is wearing a $3600 coat with broken shoes from payless. what in the goddamn fuck.

it’s what happened when i left my barbies out in the yard and it rained.

huma is in a sleeveless dress & this clown is in a hat & fur. wtf is the weather there today?

suit/shoes/gloves all the same matchy-matchy color was overkill. it needed a break — either the gloves or shoes.

During this campaign it became crystal clear that Barack married up!

“nobody wants to see how the sausage is made.”

this presumes there is both budget and editorial directive to do the digging and research. plenty could have been done by the msm WELL before the election to stop this goddamn crazytrain of corruption and nobody bothered.

i am waiting for the day actual lizards slither out of her mouth instead of that word salad.

before al franken was a senator he and other comics performed in front of trump numerous times. franken says he never saw him laugh — not once.

the daughter spent 18 years living a lie, being raised by a liar. that is the very definition of NOT being a good mom.

he hasn’t worked in years, is likely unemployable and is a pariah in society. he’s lucky mommy took him in.

report her to the police and to animal control. you can do it anonymously. if the wolf doesn’t hurt her, it very well might hurt someone else.

ivanka and jared are most definitely moving to washington.

they also sell pants which would blow his mind.

am GAGGING over “effectuate”. jfc.