
that is one fierce babby.

“At that moment I realized that the mouth guard had shattered again”

call the dream police.

If the feds “pay for it”, WE ALL PAY FOR IT. It’s not like Cheetolini is going to cut a check.

Am 100% certain he has no idea what diplomats actually do. He thinks it’s just clinking glasses and wife-swapping at cocktail parties. This is a slap in the face to those serving our country and a punch in the mouth to allies like Canada.

they are in the business of selling books to make money. they are not a moral arbiter.

Considering how trainwrecky all the K and J girls are (ALL) I hold little hope for their kids, growing up in a social media bubble and a family business that is solely focused on looks.

i have a blast with the twinja people. we can have hours-long inane fights about pizza, sex, art, ferrets, skittles and it’s nothing but laughs. we can also have serious discussions about children, depression, anxiety, divorce, changing jobs, etc. it’s a very supportive community of similarly-thinking folks. it can be

Cardinal Law, who was in Boston and covered up the abuse of HUNDREDS of kids, has a nice cushy job and residence for life within the Vatican. Fuck all of them.

it’s virtually impossible to get raw european cheeses in the states. they have to be aged 60 days to be allowed in anyway.

is this really your main source for current events? jfc.

poor lilo. she looks like a 50-something real housewife of dotdotdot.

she missed a lot of years.

thank goodness we can still smoke.

Peak mommying right there.

sure. cuz all those #MAGA white folks who voted for cheetolini are supporting members of npr. smh.

most americans of irish or german (etc.) descent are more than a few generations removed from their immigrant forebears. at that point, is not some of their culture more a regional thing rather than an ethnic thing?

it makes her look like she is too vain to wear glasses.

she may be making those calls right now. no way she wants to be part of that life and under that kind of scrutiny.

she’s married to a guy who only claims to be a billionaire and who came with an iron-clad pre-nup. if she divorces him i doubt she’ll get much. even if she becomes his widow, i doubt she will get that much more.