
There are parallels to explore between her and Walter White, and the fans of each who excuse every progressive step towards awfulness because the show is presenting their perspective (justified to them, of course!), only to be caught up when their heroic character is shown to not be heroic — and never have been as

“Seriously, should I have kept diving into first base?”

Thanks for this explanation. It was great to hear this in an informative and genuinely helpful way.

well ACKSHUALLY the fall of the Roman Empire is best paralleled with the Easter Rebellion in 1916.

That’ll be good in the Mad Max wasteland in which he lives.

At least we got chicken.

Now playing

I’m thinking they were talking about Justin Morneau - he was kneed in the head in July 2010 by Toronto’s John McDonald and lingering concussion issues ended his season and derailed his promising Twins career. Missed the All-Star game, missed the ALDS, knees to the head are serious business.

Plus the tickets are only like five bucks each, too. Tomsula knows what’s what.

Who has the best dog on staff? (caveat: they’re probably all the best dogs)

Don’t worry, Splinter will take care of that in a year and a half.

I recognize someone who stopped in Darwin MN on their way out to South Dakota.

You, good sir, have given me plans for Friday night/Saturday morning, and I look forward to microwaving pizza rolls and going to sleep like it’s Christmas Eve.

Your very last line is also something that people need to keep in mind, so good on you for being aware of it. Early retirement sounds great, until you realize that you no longer get the group policy through work with the premium subsidized by your employer and your pretax dollars paying for it, and you’re too young

You’re right in that it’s far more difficult for a unified strike. At a factory, you can have protesting workers outside with societal pressures for scabs who physically cross the picket line - and there’s enough friction involved in hiring and training new employees that there’s incentive for the factory owners to

Here’s another chart that I really like, as it offers different retirement savings targets based on your salary.

Yup, that’s the trick. And also increment your contributions whenever you have a raise or a higher salary from a new job -- if you get a 2% raise, bump your 401k withholdings 1% higher. You still see a larger net pay, and you’re also saving more for retirement without the psychological hit of having “less money”.

Better to plan for it to completely implode and not be there for you, than to assume that 100% of promised benefits will be paid out in 2057 or whenever you retire.

Those salary multiples by age are widely misunderstood. The Twitter outrage over “you should have 2x salary saved at age 35" was somewhat misdirected; yes, it’s difficult as fuck to get started, but no, you aren’t at risk of never retiring and a total failure if you don’t have that.

Now playing

Can’t even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I’m an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my like like a schnook.