I flew standby back and forth to college for years as a dependent of an airline employee. I had the lowest priority of any standby passenger so I quickly learned a lot of the rules above, plus some extra, if I wanted a seat:
I flew standby back and forth to college for years as a dependent of an airline employee. I had the lowest priority of any standby passenger so I quickly learned a lot of the rules above, plus some extra, if I wanted a seat:
There’s also “don’t be an asshole”.
It’s probably filamentous bacteria (nocardia): https://www.alken-murray.com/NocardiaFrameSet.html. So possibly Miller has a pretreatment process upset and filamentous bulking.
There’s a Ukrainian sausagemaker in my town (https://kramarczuks.com/) and every single time I stop in I always end up getting landjäger with grand goals of saving it for later, but it’s usually eaten before I get home ... or get to the car ... or even get to the register.
America: “lolz tldr”
What also makes this non-viable in the real world is the opaque pricing for medical costs.
Found the OCR error in the 1890 Wichita Daily Eagle issue that Google thought was hapsbong:
I expected it was Hapsburg - turns out a bad OCR of Hapsbourg:
I am a little sad to learn that Pap Hapsbong wasn’t a name, but that is marginally improved by searching for just Hapsbong and finding only three hits on google:
I had a border collie whose preferred day was to sleep on the back of the couch, with his chin resting on the windowsill, sleepily watching the rabbits and birds outside. Couch potato in dog form. I miss that nerd so much.
I don’t know. Obviously the crime points mechanism is farfetched, but the situation is multifaced.
Yeah- their previous record against the Orioles was 22 home runs, in a season where they played Baltimore 18 times (1962 and 1964). 23 dongs in 6 games is a lot of dongs. This past three game series had 5, 5, and 2 massive dongers.
well LAH DE DAH mister fancypants, but some of us are struggling to make ends meet and we can’t afford to stick our nose in the air and walk past free giardiniera just because it came out of a pothole
I can only assume that the clothesline is on a pulley system and she has her manservant rotating the foodstuffs in front of her while she lounges luxuriantly and unclips what appeals to her. #lifegoals
Agreed. I love beef, and I’m still going to eat shitloads of beef, but if I can periodically swap some out for an Impossible burger (as I do with occasional White Castle trips) I’ll do it. These taste awesome and assuming I can get an Impossible Whopper combo meal for under ten bucks, I’m sold.
Ghost is still alive and is in the promo for ep 4. His four furry legs are right center, behind Sam walking behind Dany.
Promo for ep 4 had two dragons in it, so Rhaegal probably just landed and took a breather for the last part of the episode.
Oh yah, winter’s coming, dontchaknow. Heckuva deal for us white walkers.