
The gun nuts in the Senate had already kept that treaty dead on arrival — though the US under Obama entered it, it was never ratified because of thanks, gun nuts, so the withdrawal from it doesn’t change anything material.

This show is a COMPLETE delight. Nicole and Jacques and the guest judge are always supportive and encouraging, even when their feedback is “This cake is ... well, did you remember to put eggs in it? The flavor is good, but the texture, well, I think that it could have used at least one egg.”

Stop being so correct and reasonable and let me hate people in peace.

I had no idea Dearth Vader was Lunk’s father.

You’re not wrong. Talking shit about people in a private facebook group is distasteful, and being a person with stereotypical sanctimony over their chosen dietary restrictions is distasteful.

Per the FB post quoted by the linked news sites, the guest did confront the hosts over the pepperoni pizza also being served (using words like “slaughter” and “murdered”) so ... this was probably not the quiet considerate guest who was trying not to make waves.

Many (many) years ago, when sushi was still a foreign concept to many people, I was at a wedding reception that featured it. The bride and groom were surely well-intentioned, hoping to share something they love with a wider audience, but this was a bridge too far for the vast majority of the attendees.

This guy gets it. Once I started watching some shows at 1.25x or 1.33x (e.g. Cobra Kai on Youtube, Khan Academy lecture videos) going back to 1.00 feels painfully slow.

The one and only time I’ll allow people dropping their dog shit in my trash (or I drop it in someone else’s) is when it’s pickup day, the bin is at the curb, AND it’s still full of waste so the pickup hasn’t happened yet that morning. Don’t walk onto someone else’s property to do it, and don’t throw it in their empty

For what it’s worth, the paper is not referred to locally as the Tribune, as that was one of the two newspapers that merged to become the Star Tribune. Unlike where the Boston Globe can be the Globe, the Star Tribune is just the Star Tribune.

In the most practical sense, which is the only one in which political campaigns deal, Biden’s is probably an effective campaign pitch.

As a local old, I still catch myself referring to “Calhoun and Harriet” but that’s on me to adapt to the new name.

Was just coming to bring this up. They were upset about Bde Maka Ska, but didn’t want to show their asses as someone who’d defend Calhoun’s slavery, so instead they just quietly complained to each other about this damn revisionist history and then when Bdote was _added_ to the Snelling sign, then they felt brazen

One time my grandma and I were dancing at some random banquet and she told me, “Oh, Drew … never settle. NEVER SETTLE.”

There’s no reason to think anyone making such a decision is too stupid to understand the difference between two large numbers.

This is a tired tug-of-war that plays out with virtually everything now, with hardcore fans acting like only THEY’RE qualified enough to obsess over something that anyone can freely obsess over.

This game hit me in the sweet spot so fucking hard that two hours into playing it, I uploaded an image of the Two Forks map and had it printed and framed, and it’s still hanging on my wall. I CANNOT WAIT for Campo Santo’s In The Valley Of Gods.

pfffft caring about things just shows how thirsty you are. we don’t even VOTE around here.

Thank you for putting into Fabio+Bale terms what my mind could not properly describe.