Oh, come on. There were several. They didn’t get speaking roles, granted, but they were there in the background, acknowledging that Boston had Black people, even if their stories weren’t apparently worth telling.
Oh, come on. There were several. They didn’t get speaking roles, granted, but they were there in the background, acknowledging that Boston had Black people, even if their stories weren’t apparently worth telling.
He was one of those jerks from Gary’s Old Town Tavern.
Every time...every time I see a headline about this story, I briefly panic that one of my favorite feel-good shows is going to be ruined by something more serious than Kristey Alley and John Ratzenberger’s dumb opinions.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
“I don’t enjoy this, so it should’ve been cancelled.”
I believe this makes you a bigoted, racist transphobe then. I’m not 100% sure, let me check Reddit and get back to you.
Tbis is why I just couldn't finish watching Adventure Time once I found out that the voice actress for Marceline wasn't even a real vampire.
Your mom should have been cancelled before she had you.
Here is my thought on cartoons and representation
The priciest dish on the menu is almost always no more difficult for your server to bring out than the cheapest.
Customer satisfaction declines EVERYWHERE without tipping.
“The priciest dish on the menu is almost always no more difficult for your server to bring out than the cheapest.”
...a perfect example of why tipping based on a percentage of the item / bill is stupid (as was Salty’s advice in that instance).
Yes, Salty DID say to tip $50 on a glass of whisky. A SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLAR GLASS OF WHISKY.
So you agree it was a stupid thing to say. Pouring a glass of 300 dollar whiskey requires no more effort than 3 dollar whiskey.
Right. This isn’t gonna matter when flags are at half-mast this weekend because 100k people died of covid-19.
One of the more entertaining parts of being a Biden supporter is watching people freak out about something he says only for it to completely not matter.
The hand-wringing over this interview is entirely misguided. Joe didn’t say anything that every Democrat doesn’t believe. It’s just a plain fact that black voters who vote Republican are race traitors, but few white Democrats have been brave enough to say it publicly until now.
There are obvious milestones of joy in our lives, like the birth of a child, marriage, etc. And then there are snapshots, like when I look down at my daughter cooing on my chest and tell myself “please let me remember this exact moment when I’m on my death bed.”