You got it. Person A derives personal worth from completing difficult games, and when Person B completes that game on an easier difficulty, or with a cheat code, or for any possible reason, Person A feels that their accomplishments are devalued.
You got it. Person A derives personal worth from completing difficult games, and when Person B completes that game on an easier difficulty, or with a cheat code, or for any possible reason, Person A feels that their accomplishments are devalued.
I got a “two base award” after prom if you know what I mean wink wink
Room for dog crates was one of the factors in our car choice -- we have an Outback which can fit two full-size crates side by side in the back, so any dog trip just has them hop back in there. In the unfortunate event of an accident they won’t turn into a projectile flying towards the windshield which helps them and…
After decades of PC building, rebuilding, and other internal surgeries, I’ve learned a lot of these the hard way.
You got me looking, and Wikipedia backs you up ( but the 2019 MLB rules ( had nothing for ‘automatic’ or ‘double’ other than automatic suspensions/putouts and double headers/double plays.
what up, fellow llama
Hell, an arthritic guy in his 40s could have stolen home on that pitch.
This is a far better analysis than “this is gonna be terrible and I’m so edgy and cynical for saying that things are dumb with the implication that if people enjoy it, they’re not as smart as me”.
“When you say, ‘Wow, this sounds like quackery,’ there’s a lot of things that I see on a daily basis in Western medicine that I think, ‘Wow, why would they ever do that? That is crazy. That doesn’t work’... you guys may think I’m full of crap, but I’m the proof, what you see on the field.” He added, “I’m the best…
I missed this entire exchange a few days ago and I think I would have been better off if I had missed it today. It was saddening and disappointing to see so many gatekeeping voices and refusals to consider making games more accessible to more people.
On the upside, that’s a pretty diverse group of people they’ve got there:
I clicked play, clicked mute, clicked about a third of the way in ... right as she was landing.
God, it was 12 years ago that the biggest political scandal was Obama referring to the price of arugula in Whole Foods while gladhanding in Iowa.
There’s only a few requirements to be president: Be at least 35, be born a US citizen, and have lived in the US for the last 10 years.
“lemme go check the six idle clicker games I have on my phone and tap some more on each of those to watch some counter increment because that demonstrates immediate progress for effort and it makes me feel like I have some sort of control over the world, whereas replying to that work email is just going to get someone…
“might be”? fucking right I am anxious as shit. The title could be “You’re reading this article about procrastination because you’re anxious and exploring the roots of that anxiety will just take time away from what you’re supposed to be doing so procrastinate on addressing your anxiety and hey let’s just go refresh…