Thanks - caught it within the edit window.
Thanks - caught it within the edit window.
The mean MLB salary in 2018 was $4.52 million as you indicate - but the arithmetic mean can be misleading. Put me and a dozen friends in a room with Jeff Bezos, and the average person in the room is a multi-billionaire.
You need the tedious work ... to prevent you from quickly gorging on straight nut meat.
I don’t believe Joseph detonates the nuke - it’s a nuclear exchange with North Korea and maybe other states. There are numerous other references in the game (in those letters or audiotapes that most people don’t pay attention to) that indicate the upcoming geopolitical instability.
There’s a “Pump & Munch” near us, too.
Both Indian River and Martin County officials outlined the same scheme: Poor women pay brokers to come over from China to work what they think will be legitimate jobs as maids or houseworkers, only to be coerced into sex work.
1) Insert various Patriots jokes of varying levels of taste. Here’s some low-hanging fruit; something something deflategate limp penis, something video evidence sideline signals video evidence of Kraft, something Goodell punishment calculator. Go forth and get stars.
2) Consensual sex work should be fully legalized and…
He’s got his own theme song!
[I] can’t hang out with most people without considering it to be a tedious grind that isn’t worth my time. How big of an asshole does that make me[?]
15 items off the dollar breakfast menu at a 9.9% total sales tax. I salute you, fellow breakfast warrior.
For those who need a reminder:
If the average person went out and got all the right supplies (easel, canvas, good brushes, paint, etc.) could they follow along with Bob Ross during his show? Would the at-home painting end up looking as good as Bob’s? We’re 50-50 on this in the office. I say no way, but he makes it look so easy.
Civ 1 absolutely did. If you let pollution get out of control and not cleaned up in time (with settler units!) then after a couple turns you’d get desertification effects on some tiles. Grasslands to plains, plains to desert, etc.
Ages ago I got out of college into a 30k/yr job, and stayed there getting minor raises for a while until I left at 35k and went elsewhere for 40k. Such a badass, I thought! Then within a year I was bumped to 45k, then 48k, then the company got bought and the new owners did market salary reviews and moved me up to 60k.
UserTesting requires screen and voice capture (and in rare cases, explicitly requiring your consent, video capture of you) to sync up your narrated feedback as you go about your tasks. For example, a UserTesting task might present you with a new ecommerce site and your instructions are to go select a pair of pants in…
If it was an old LH comment that might have been me! I used a Google doc and entered my morning weight every day after a trip to the bathroom and a shower. It’d then update the chart with my 10-day rolling average and plot that, my daily zigzag of weight, and the linear target weight.
I wish he’d have used a ‘64 Skylark in the demo too.
Grandma apocalypse beer!
But as this continues in VA, it’s looking more and more like the top 3 may end up on the curb, VA will fall to Repub hands due to some real gerrymandering shit that got them the state House/Senate/whatever the fuck it is. This can’t happen. One of those 3 have to dig in, say fuck it, and stand up through their process…
60% of the time, you catch MRSA every time.