
This is basketball though man, lottery picks like that wash out all the time. Not Exactly Cleveland’s four number one picks.

One time my shithead friends went to Reno and came back with a bunch of bottle rockets. I had refused to participate so obviously they came over to my house and said ‘look what we got’. I heard the doorbell ring and I came out and stood on my porch in my robe. They were on the street with a bottle rocket resting on

This is like when the Green power ranger turned on Rita Repulsa and joined with the other rangers to make the Dragon Megazord...
...except everyone else is just putty patrol.

God the commenters on this are out of touch as fuck. Yes it’s a good win, but we need to measure ourselves on the same scale by which we measure dems and republicans and on that scale we are pitiful as shit. This is no time for a victory lap.

The overton window is a piece of bullshit pop-science that was developed to

I find that really interesting, can you elaborate on that? Just for context I only made it 4 or 5 episodes in before I checked out.

People like ‘The Punisher’? The consensus among my circle is that only about the first 10 minutes of that first episode were worth watching. Genuinely surprised to here someone describe it as ‘struck gold’.

I for one love watching the Rockets! Every other team I feel bad because my focus constantly drifts to the ball handler and then I miss lots of other interesting off-ball action. That NEVER happens with the Rockets.

I too enjoy watching the Cetlics play bastekball.

I actually have tons of problems with this list, but it is all redemed by Canned smoked trout at 18. Fish has no right to be that tasty.

He had a completely sweat drenched towel on his shoulder after when he didn’t before or some shit. Happened all the time to freshman idiots on our team. ‘guys look I gained weight’, take the 10 pounds of wet towel off your shoulder dude.

Speaking from experience working with a shelter, generally speaking it goes purebred dogs from reputable breeder > mutts > puppy-mill anything. Reputable breeders can have their license taken away if they breed irresponsibly, and even beyond that there are few who don’t care deeply about the long term health of the


Burgers are good certainly, milkshakes are fine, but the fries are hot garbage and even drenching them in cheese, onions and thousand island only just makes them palatable. Don’t even talk to me about ordering them ‘well done’ the issue isn’t that they aren’t cooked long enough the issue is that they aren’t blanched

Can we talk for a second about what the fuck is on that woman’s hand. From afar it looks like a wriggling mass of maggots, up close it looks like moldy diseased dial-phone cords. I don’t even.

I was never able to make it out to a game at Candlestick and it’s one of my bigger regrets. It was too far away for my dad to take me too games (better on tv, etc) and by the time I finally came back to the Bay Area it was already down. Super sad I missed my window.

But that begs the question; who in the /fuck/ would

>second Silicon Valley bubble.

Uh why do people keep insist on putting their ignorance on display by insisting that Amazon, Google, Apple, Intel, and the other three dozen well established billion dollar companies hanging out on the peninsula are gonna just blow up like

Counterpoint: damn near anything you do on social networking sites up until you agree meet the person is fair game. 99% that shit is arbitrary bs anyway.

If you had to choose between eating a chicken with the mind of a man, and a man with the mind of the chicken. Which would you choose, why?

I mean it depends what you define populism as. Which is hard because it’s subjective.

Conventionally for the dems it has been civil rights, stable economic growth, and occasionally environmental/anti-war/anti-corruption concerns. And by my estimation that’s a pretty good foundation for them.

The populism a lot of the

Why does this shit happen so much! Football is too attached to their idiotic system of limited substitutions. It makes the game less fun and is downright dangerous as atheletes stretch their bodies to the limit.