
Report: Pacers totally have like a lot of really good offers for a one year rental on Paul George, no way they would sell him for pennies on the dollar. Pacers are definitely not desperate.

Jesus Christ NBA fans are the biggest homers, you get to watch two of the best teams to ever meet in the finals and everything is “Why is the team I’ve decided I don’t like in the playoffs”.

Go play some Fantasy Basketball maybe you’ll learn to get invested in other teams good fortune and to enjoy good basketball, holy

Another point. The Bulls were playing in the East not the West, and the west was a much stronger conference. Even though the Bulls were always the prohibitive favorite, there was always they idea that they hadn’t really been tested on the way to the finals.

Michael Jordan is the best ever, and a great two way player, Scottie Pippen was also very good, and if statisticians are to be believed Dennis Rodman is by a large margin the most effective role player to ever play. So yes of course they were considered the prohibitive favorite.

“I was more emotionally invested and traumatized by this news, than by any involving the two goobers pictured above.”

Buster Posey wouldn’t get into a fight, Buster Posey was running to the dug out to get his med kit in case he needed to administer first aid.

Cav’s are almost certainly a lock for 3 more years, they have shown the willingness to spend 50 million in luxury taxes for the sake of getting Lebron his rings.

Warriors are almost certainly going to be a thing next year, but then contracts start coming up. They built this team through good management and drafting and

How anyone can play it up like the Cavs are the ‘good guys’ is beyond me. Cav’s payed a 50 million luxury tax in order to get their team together. If the Warriors weren’t so fucking absurdly talented the narrative would never ‘be poor old GOAT with his 120 million dollar team, is such an underdog’.

The problem with the current iteration of the NBA is that there is so little risk in paying certain players the max. Sure you’re gonna get some guys who absolutely disappoint, but when it comes to KD, no team would have turned him down.

Hell most guys who are legit superstars are making twice the max from endorsements

Honestly I don’t find this half as offensive as most of the shit Bernie Bros were saying about John Lewis during the primary.