
Kinda ruined it though by jawing at the Chase Center Janitorial Staff though.

The A’s season creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.

“I’m gonna read all the letters from the fans this time I bet they are gr-oh there is 5"

This is the man who progressives want to... nay insist on being owned by. They will get 25% of the vote total and insist that dems rigged it in favor of the guy none of us can stand but has a campaign built to get votes at all cost. The shame is there are multiple candidates who could win if they could hold there nose

LA Bullets. Soft ass league should have never dropped the name.

Well this explains why Gruden has nicknamed him ‘Tumor’

The only way Eli ever leaves this team is if he blows an arm off with an m1000.

> Someone even filed an unfair labor practice complaint, though such complaints can be filed by anyone, even if they’re not connected to the actual dispute

It was almost certainly someone working for the campaign and he only recently FINALLY agreed to raise their pay to over 15 dollars an hour (like seriously? You are

Tom Ley the brain genius saw the Warriors vs the Cavs for 4 years in a row and thought ‘damn that should be built into the system’. Give it a rest and try making an argument people would plausibly agree with like ‘Yuengling is a quality craft local beer’.

>the laws regarding abortion are, and for centuries have been, determined and enforced by cis men

The same could be said of anything. What about the demographics of pro-life groups? Aren’t they a surprisingly high percentage of women?

Are we going to ignore that the puck was CLEARLY deflected? If I’m not mistaken it makes it perfectly legal. It doesn’t matter whether it was the stick or the blues player.

You all did Artichoker wrong.

If a runner had very low estrogen would it be appropriate to heighten her estrogen levels unhealthily to bring her in line with their arbitrary definition of womanhood?
No, that would be insane.

The court isn’t going on science here they are making decisions on what the ‘right’ kind of natural abilities are based on

Are they gonna apologize for the arguably worse call from game 2? LOL.

All new rookie contracts will have clauses about riding motorcycles and working out with Kobe. 

Love you Drew, but Induced demand is such bullshit. We shouldn’t expand highways because ‘people might use them’ is dumb as hell. I even here people talking about ‘induced demand’ of building housing in SF, like we don’t have enough goddamned homeless people already.

After voting and seeing the premilinary result. YALL ARE OUT OF YOUR GODDAMNED MINDS.

>It’s almost like many tech companies exist in a sort of bubble! Who knew?

I’m used to this ignorance by now, but the fact remains that this is ignorance. The Tech Sector is wildly profitable, Private equity beats the market year after year after year. They don’t think much about their failures, and Lyft certainly

I think at the end of the day the people driving this ill intentioned campaign probably have a much more narrow and regressive definition of rape than anyone discussing it here in good faith. This is clearly forcing the subject of what the definition of rape actually is and I would honestly say that although we

Fuck he’s gonna win isn’t he. God damnit I was having a good day then to had to go writing a hit piece so fucking out of touch that I’m jarred into the reality that everyone on the left is an incompetent hipster.