
If this is how we react to an inexplicably popular candidate coming out of nowhere the left has no chance. We might as well pack it up and leave it to the mainstream dems. This is Bernie’s deathknell right now, he just can’t look to other candidates to find out what is resonating he is instead going to the same

>He said that true change will never come from electoral politics

Sounds like trite hippie garbage to my ears. This kind of nonsense is one of the reason why progressives in this country are stuck in neutral. Quite frankly I have a feeling Biden is going to win whether Bernie splits the vote or not because

Diane Feinstein’s continued dominance is a case study in lefty incompetence. She is someone that pretty much everyone is tired of, an establishment candidate who the establishment wouldn’t lift a finger to protect.

And yet at a moment that seems pretty perfect for a competitive challenger we got Kevin De Leon. The

Diane Feinstein is less of an example of democratic corruption, than of the progressive left’s perpetual inability to get their shit together. Kevin De Leon was an empty seat, a big human rubber stamp. He had no appeal, and his challenge was more of a referendum on how obsolete the GOP is in CA than anything about him.

I’m sorry but all these things which he is supposedly the “champion” of. There are less dems not running on those issues. The place where he separates himself with the rest of the pack? being weirdly anti-immigration, and fucking /protectionism/. That shit isn’t progressive, it’s stuck 50 years in the past.

Now there

I mean there is more on the ballot than just that stuff. Several key progressive measures in Oakland actually failed by rather close margins in the last election. :(

I’m pretty sure Vince McMahon was just trolling when he said the XFL would let Lawrence play right now, but man that would be great.

There are two things I will always have to tolerate from Deadspin despite the fact that they are obviously stupid and that it is so transparent to everyone outside of the bubble how stupid these things are.

1. Is frothing at the mouth over the Mets.

>a fake progressive grifter

Libby calling someone this? My god I hope your glass house has insurance.

Libby Is right we need exciting candidates like... *looks closer* old white man who only realized criminal justice system reform is a thing because he ran for president and people wouldn’t stop asking him about it.”

> Neither the state nor the national party are giving him money.

>given rise to a political moment in which actual left-wing candidates (by American standards, at least) threaten to gain a measurable amount of power

Hey I gotta stop you there. some house seats and a paltry crop of state seats does not a political moment make. This is the same ‘political moment’ we have every damn

>David S. Goyer

I bought a brace of bleacher tickets for my friends and I to get to the game. Bleachers are general admission and since the A’s are doing so well I figured we’d have to get there early to get good bleacher seats all together for a half dozen or so people. Nope. I don’t get this town at all.

Also give Billy Bean some

How about we just say ‘don’t try to kill anyone’ and enforce it completely arbitrarily? ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOOOTBALLLL.

I was stupid enough to dislike Richard Sherman for his antics without realizing that of fucking course those antics would lead him to joining up with the 49ers once things inevitably turned sour in Seattle.

I now definitely love him and have unconditional support for him obviously because I have no shame and the memory

If you see a Cleveland Browns fan smiling be careful it’s a sign of simian aggression.

This is baseball-communism and I find this baseball-unamerican. 

I’m sorry but this is a big nothing burger. Even if he stayed on the ballot through the election it wouldn’t make a difference in that district. Let him have his chance to concede formally and stop trying to politicize this shit.

Dantoni is only gonna play 7 guys in the playoffs anyway, why pay any more than the minimum to the other guys.