
People are only pushing the false narrative that employers are still doing exactly this ... because many employers are still doing exactly this.

I have rolled in to the office while wearing my pjs with a coat over them to drop off forgotten items or sign in a kiddo who just missed the bell more times than I can count. Showing up is showing up, we can’t all be ready and having our best day every time an emergency arises. 

Why aren’t leggings and yoga pants out?Why not disallow wet hair if bonnets and caps aren’t allowed?  Why not disallow flip flops or exercise clothing?

“revealing and sagging well as pajamas, hair rollers and satin caps and bonnets, which are often worn by black women to protect their hair.”

Unless it’s for safety - dress codes are restrictions of personal freedom and shouldn’t be allowed IMO. “Approriate” dress is dictated by rich, conservative people and it needs to stop. Beyond racism, they’re also classist. 

Dress codes are dumb in most cases. I say most because some work environments actually do require certain clothing items or restrictions on them for safety reasons. If you’re chopping down trees you probably don’t want workers to be wearing flip-flops for example.

It should maybe be like church: encourage people to dress well out of respect, but accept everyone as they are and be glad they’re there. I agree with the principal that parents are a child’s first teacher, but damned if you shouldn’t be thrilled they are present and participating, no matter the circumstances of their

I’m personally expecting Daenarys to go Mad Queen in the next episode and while it wasn’t what I was expecting for Dany, I do think it does fit with her character pretty well. For all her talk about wanting to break the wheel and free everyone, she is also adamant about how everyone should serve her and seemingly

Harry is nowhere near the line of succession anymore due to William’s issue. I say let him and Meghan have their privacy

Best day of my life (okay, month) was when I realized the spotify premium I was already paying for came with (the ad version of) Hulu. It’s been 30 Rock and Archer in the background of all my cleaning/crossword puzzling/coloring ever since.

This is what struck me. The numbers are all like “oh, people spent a long time watching Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, and the Office.”. You know what those shows have? A LOT of episodes. Natural breaks that keep the pace breezy. i.e., something you can leave running in the background while you do whatever. Each episode

i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation

When do we reach peak streaming? How many services can the average viewer reasonably adopt?

Honestly, I’m constantly frustrated with how many bells and whistles get put on women’s clothing. Fashion Coward spoke to me DEEPLY because maybe I JUST want a plain blue button down (that doesn’t have lace or logos or or ruffles or ruched anything) or a pair of plain black flats (no bows or fake corsetry or

I guess you've never been to a wedding?

If this was a sponsored post untuckit wasted their money. A quarter of the article talks about how companies like this treat men like babies and the rest of it questions why they even exist. 

I thought the whole point of having men’s shirts (and suit jackets but that’s another rant of mine) be longer was to accommodate the slow growing American male gut and butt. The models in these photos are slender, but if they had a beer belly and/or big butt, their shirts wouldn’t have enough fabric to cover

And on top of that MANY women have major problems with latching and breastfeeding, or they don’t produce enough milk. The “breast is best” rhetoric is really dangerous because it’s gone the way of “only breast milk” rather then “when possible”. I know lots of women who are shamed for having to feed their children

Also raises the question: if the parents were *that* against formula, why was it there in the house?

I think you’re misunderstanding. The bride understandably doesn’t want guests to go into debt paying for medical assistance that was only made necessary thanks to her caterer. She’s not asking the court for help with their own wedding debt.