
That’s a great equivalency for what we’ve done. I feel like it’s going to get old for her. But we do love her name!

You spend 99% of Kindle time inside a book, where there are no ads. You can also pay to remove the ads at any time.

You spend 99% of Kindle time inside a book, where there are no ads. You can also pay to remove the ads at any time.

The Prince’s boyfriend’s hair requires way too much suspension of disbelief. HOW DID HE MAINTAIN THOSE CURLS?!

Okay, but I would love a sink in my washing machine! Perfect for doing spot clean/stain treatment before putting things in for a cycle! Alas, I am not rich so I’ll probably be with my serviceable late 90s model until it dies (hopefully not for many years 🤞

Yeah, but she’s so cute! Chrissy’s social media may technically be oversharing because she’s famous, but it reminds me of the cute/mundane stuff my girlfriends post.

If you’re a Conservative woman you are not allowed to have your own thoughts and autonomy over your body. What she said should have been ok for them. She might as well have said “I personally wouldn’t have an abortion but that is supposed to be MY choice, not the government’s. It should be my call.” Yet they still

If they were offering $50/hr, I’d sure as fuck give it a shot before rejecting it. And at $50/hr, I can guarantee that there’d be a line of people also willing to give it a shot.

Same. My husband came in last night slurring because he had gone with one of his besties to a gay bar (we are gay men.) He went with my blessing. An evening with no TV blaring and no sudden home improvement inspirations is a rare treat indeed. And if we can’t trust each other after all these many years we might as

I don’t understand this concept that wives must be angry about their husbands going out. It looked to me like he was having fun and playing around. It’s not like he was grinding up on somebody. I may be married but that doesn’t mean my husband and I don’t spend time apart with friends. My guess is Kate gives 0 fucks.

I call BS. I do believe Kate wears the pants, but if she didn’t want him to go, he wouldn’t have. She might be bothered that he was caught on video (being dorky), but not that he went on the trip.

She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.

did you see who we made president or

Can I just remind you that the original reason they got a reality show is because a morbidly obese white trash mother had a morbidly obese white trash family and specifically a fat rednecky child who entered beauty pageants and people enjoyed laughing at them? What a time to be alive.

Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.

Here’s an important distinction. The parade is a “private parade” in the sense that the organizers are a private organization who get a permit from the City of Boston to hold the parade on public streets.

In fact, the organizers of this parade, actually won a Supreme Court case (Hurley v. Irish Americans Gay Lesbian

I don’t like being referred to as a “guy.” I’m not a guy, not that guy, nor will I “hey, be a guy.” The issue I have with using a definitively male name (Guy Fawkes) to address people of mixed genders and even just women is that if you do the reverse - refer to men as ladies or gals - they flip their mothereffin lids.

Legitimate question - how does one refer to a group of young women you’re familiar with? I’m a grad student and I encounter this all the time. Saying “a woman at school” sounds like I’m referring to someone who is much older than me. “Lady” sounds weird. I hate saying “girl.” I wait tables and was scolded by

Drew, get yourself a Pinterest account but be warned: my husband and I trade pins like a Honey Do list. “Doesn’t this recipe look good?” “Yeah, well doesn’t this reclaimed barn wood shelving look easy, fuckface?”

OhmyGod the “Jezebel Mansplained” one would have led to the best comments meltdown in the history of the site. Drew, you could have created MAGIC.