
That is a flex spending account which is very different than a HSA. A HSA will build up over time, there is no use it or lose it. If you spend more than what you have, you can remburse yourself later on, which of course only works if you aren’t always needing medical treatment.

You guys have clearly never heard of a refundable tax credit. Think Earned income credit and you may recall why all the poor single mom’s are so excited come tax time every year.

Health Savings accounts only work really well when you have finally primed it well enough to cover out of pocket for a couple years. The trick is to remember everything it can be used for, don’t let a single qualifying expense go by without paying for it with the HSA or reimbursing yourself from it.

Casting two kids from the same school and one of their teachers was a really good call. It is like a built in support system for their life changes.

When I was a kid, some friends of mine were extras in a Lifetime style television movie starring Sarah Gilbert and Louis Gossett, Jr. And another kid I knew was an extra in the Hulk Hogan movie No Holds Barred. They were all insufferable, and we ate it up, and they didn’t even have real parts.

“I’m sorry, I just won an award.”

But we don’t allow that with most other foods with real definitions. When you make a faux product of almost any other types, US labelling laws do require you to be clear about what you are really selling. In fact, you hippie veggie types like to mock it, like when cheese made with oil legally has to be labelled

In all fairness I think all the Bush women were pro-choice. Barbara (the mother) stated so; Laura (the wife) never endorsed her husband’s anti -choice views and chose to stay quiet — I always thought she was secretly pro-choice.

Well, since this is a hotly contested issue in many parts of the country, and she might be in a better position to sway people who on the fence about it, I’d imagine a lot of people who care about women having access to reproductive rights give a shit about this.

Actually Planned Parenthood is a Bush family tradition–they’re not evangelicals, they’re from a pragmatic old WASP establishment that thought one of the best ways to help people lift themselves out of poverty was family planning. Grandpa George’s nickname in Congress used to be “Rubbers” b/c of the family support.

Laura Bush has always been pro-choice. And she tacitly endorsed Hillary by saying she was going to vote for the candidate who cared most about women in Afghanistan. (Hillary wrote a blurb for Laura Bush’s book “We Are Afghan Women: Voices of Hope,” if who cares most about Afghan women wasn’t obvious enough.)

As the wife of a Republican politician, she always played coy regarding her opinions and beliefs. As soon as W. left the White House, she opened up and clearly stated her support for abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

I believe Barbara Bush was/is pro-choice as well. I remember her saying she would never make that decisions for someone. And I believe Laura Bush was as well.

I am pretty sure in his heart W. was pro choice as well, and pretty liberal on pretty much every other issue outside of fiscal. That just wouldn’t work for him politically. I am not saying that makes him any better. I just don’t think he sat at the dinner table preaching against a woman’s right to choose.

I know this isn’t a very extreme case of it, but I honestly live for women who grow up and say ‘fuck you’ to their fathers’ restrictive view points.

Say what now? She shouldn’t take a big gig because she recently had a big gig? Why is that bad?

I mean, it mostly just sounds like she is nervous to be starring in a movie some people interpret to be “not feminist” and doesn’t want that to overshadow her efforts to be pro-woman. So, idk, I just can’t be that cynical or snarky about it. Emma knows that she’ll be singled out as being a fake feminist if the movie

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

Now playing

Tech is inclusive of both types. White men and Asian men.

I pointed out that I was publishing a book with O’Reilly, speaking at major tech conferences, and doing all of the things that you’re supposed to do to have an “upward career trajectory”, but they said it didn’t matter and I needed to prove myself as an engineer. I was stuck where I was.