
The majority of abortions in the U.S. are provided by independent clinics; those not affiliated with Planned Parenthoods or hospitals.

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

In my mind the anti-vaxxers usually occupy that space that’s so far left (or so far right) that it’s completely gone around the circle and touched the other side. They’re basically political reavers floating in the outer quadrants. See also: people who homeschool for “spiritual/religious” reasons.

Because he is a straight (maybe bi? who knows?) white male, he is exactly the type of ally that we need more of.

I feel like this criticism, while maybe not entirely invalid, is going to great lengths to make perfect the enemy of the good.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

As someone who hang on tumblr, yes, yes it is. Well-meaning people are often shouted down and assumed as “oppressors” simply due to not knowing better. You have teenagers who are simply curious attacked for not knowing everything right from the get go. You have people from more conservative areas (not all of them

It’s one of my least favorite things about Jezebel.

Cheers, finally some damn common sense! People want to go apoplectic on each other and refuse to understand where things went wrong when we have a perfect example of exactly how to run a fucking campaign who’s still in office for 2 more months.

It’s a regular occurrence in the comments here and on other left-leaning blogs. Someone asks a genuine question, and suddenly gets labeled as a troll and/or has comments dismissed.

I like when people say “populism is the danger” since its one step away from “democracy is the danger.” Hard to persuade people to vote for you when you will openly admit you don’t trust them.

I just think one of the challenges, at the end of the day, is that liberalism is hard to sell. It’s hard to sell caring about people outside yourself, sacrifice in the name of saving the planet, giving up comforts, and having to change in an uncertain world. It’s always easier to sell scapegoating, xenophobia,

Eh, I’ve been around. I was browbeaten into submission during the primaries, fought the good fight for Clinton in the general, worried about each mistake and called them out in turn, but ultimately stayed loyal to the party. Of course, if you even thought about voting for a socialist in the primaries, you’re among

I feel like the problems with our elections is the same as the problems with feminism. You can’t jam your ideas down someone else’s throat. Have an opinion, be vocal about your opinion, but express yourself in a non-threatening way because you’ll alienate people who could otherwise be persuaded if you approached them

We definitely need to reassess how we respond to dissenting voices. There’s a huge difference between a person deliberately using slurs and/or dog whistles, and a person who means well but just hasn’t learned (yet). People who are already openly bigoted are lost causes, IMHO, and not worth the effort. But there are a

The flavor of Jezebel lately has been “circle the wagons” and “we ran a perfect campaign”. As goes our comments’ section, so goes the nation, I always say.

It’s surprising how many people are ignoring basic political science, that capturing the White House for a third term is *incredibly* difficult. Incumbents themselves have a natural advantage (which is why you frequently see even unpopular presidents gain a 2nd term), but the third term is the exception. Consider also

Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:

70 million people voted for Obama in 2008. 59.6 million voted for Clinton (she still won the popular vote). Democrats have won the popular vote in every election since 1988 with the exception of 2004. Democrats need to find out what happened to the 10+ million people who voted for Obama in 2008.

Rural whites in