
Jezebel, I love you so much, but can I please just enjoy this one thing as the world crumbles around me? This is literally the only thing I’m looking forward to as the miserable puce hobgoblin prepares to ascend the iron throne. On a more serious note, I’m a Jewish woman and I’m terrified. My niece is biracial and I’m

Sorry but I HATE people like this. Seriously.

Yeah, my mom’s starting to get mad at me for talking back to my aunts on their happy Facebook posts. But this is ridiculous. I’m not going to just let them sit there with their dangerous, bigoted opinions completely unchallenged.

And the whole “Mexico will pay for it.” How, exactly, ya gonna make ‘em do that? Pay for a wall we’ll build on our side of the Rio Grande? What, exactly, are you going to do to force US corporations to move their factories back to Michigan and Ohio? And how, exactly, are you gonna force companies to burn coal again

BUT IT’S BETTER THAN HILLARY, amirite 3rd party voters/non voters??????

Plz don’t respond unless you can detail how Hillary’s 100 days would be worse. Have fun with that assignment.

THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated

That picture is just so filled with pretty people dressed prettily. I kind of just want to stare at it all day. I’m finding it oddly calming.

Why would anyone pay $200 to see a musician they obviously know absolutely nothing about?The avatar/disguise thing is SIA’s whole schtick.

That’s predicated on the traditional life model where you had more of your own (family, house, car) to worry about as you aged though - and that’s not really a thing that’s happening for millenials in the same reliable fashion.

i’ve seen them thrice, and enjoyed each show more than the last...those two fellas make a band’s worth of sound live, i can assure you.

To be fair, Harvard is actually ridiculously cheap to attend. They’ve already covered that part.

His benefits package. . .

We also have the freedom to kneel if we want to when we hear the anthem. Or turn our backs. Or dance a jig. Those people died for her freedom to do that too.

The first thing civil rights activists don't do is compare atrocities among the oppressed. it doesn’t? I guess you’re implying that the only people who should concern themselves with how much they do or should drink in any given situation are alcoholics. That would be incorrect.


What professional wisdom suggests that abstinence is the only way to drink responsibly?

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

I love how you’re reflexively disregarding any opinion that comes from a man simply because the point was made by a man. Such a great choice and certainly bound to win over lots of people to your way of thinking.

Newspapers generally illustrate stories about an event with photos taken at that event. And Hillary Clinton, as anti-climactic as it might seem from a photo-journalistic point of view, was NOT AT THE EVENT! No conspiracy. No trying to keep women in their place. No making it about men. You went looking for an excuse to