
Yeah, and besides, this is the exact kind of "tidy resolution" that would get torn to shreds in the first five minutes of the next episode, back when TGW was on it's A-game. I look forward to seeing what trap doors await…

Also, he's definitely made a video of peeing hookers.

It doesn't really suggest that the lodge is aliens or vice versa. It leaves open the possibility that UFOs are not from another planet, but another dimension, which goes hand in hand with every batshit thing Frost crams into that book and ties back to the town.

My feelings exactly

Yeah, I guess characterization isn't irrelevant to the plot. It didn't move the plot forward, to be more precise.

Caught the coin-flip scene in passing while channel surfing (which I never do anymore) and was reminded how incredible that movie is. That scene was a throwaway, irrelevant to the plot, but… jesus.

Including obligatory sexposition scene with Lady Whiskers.

"I feel like an undercover nun who thinks she can speak with the Dolphins, like Andie MacDowell in Hudson Hawk"

Clearly the fall would be Father Dougall's fault.

As a Browns fan, I reject your assertion that every team has Bandwagon fans. Although, when Cody Kessler leads us to a Superbowl victory in 2019, I fully expect to see a HUGE surge.

The only way I could agree more with this statement is if you hadn't suggested that two people could do something singlehandedly, together.

The sausage king of Chicago?

You've got to Panel for your Panel to PANEL! it's time for Panel

Not sure DJT would ever side with Rosanne. Rosie O'Donnell is like a fan mod of Roseanne.

Rhythm is a dancer.

Incidentally, the playwright is Lily from the AT&T commercials.

To me he'll always be "The Hutch", making passionate love to Kristen Wiig's "Dr Pat". Post-concussion.

Because Wonder Woman is holding a hubcap?

"Wait, this guy who clearly beat the throw and was over the base the whole time briefly lost physical contact with the base by a hair. Spirit of the law, he is out."

I like that he wrote a song about a girl on a box of raisins, and it turned out pretty good.