
Take that, Walking Dead!

As soon as they're actually lost, they can stop running. It's like Mr Meseeks, without the NONEXISTENCE at the end.

She did check the back pages. But why wouldn't she just check the front page to see if he put his name on the front page? She checked each page in sequence.

For a while you could actually sign the guestbook. Looks like all new entries have now been scrubbed to just the original few from 2015

AMEN! Amen.

Yeah, that totally seemed more like BOB messing around with the cops than Leland describing a real encounter with BOB.

Enh. I think that concept probably climaxes with a trail of corpses, with Fett feeding the last other bounty hunter to a man eating planet and taking the bounty himself. And one of the bounty hunters is a talky Kevin smith type who we cheer when a (mostly mute) fett offs at the end.

The A.V. Club

Didn't it's head float away in that Lillard scene?

Keep in mind, if they took him to the hospital, he'd wander into the ER, be mistaken for a doctor and be expected to perform an emergency appendectomy. Probably better in the low stakes white collar world.

Keep in mind, Tammy is swinging her hips about a foot to each side as she walks. This is a conscious decision, and I have to assume is not just a passing creepy moment.

And don't forget James…

btw, I'm crushed Chris Isaac isn't wandering around the Black Lodge somewhere, or at least a doppelganger.

thought the same thing after the fingerprint reveal

Well, he's not yelling as loud, which allows for a bit more emoting.

Rancho Rosa could be a nod to the RR. Time is a flat circle.

And why is he wearing a Jedi robe?

Dougie Jones' kid?

"You know what I would do if I were president, Mr. President, I would
make same-sex divorce illegal. Then see how bad they want it." - Zach Galifianakis

Nova Scotia is like 65% College town, 35% Newfoundland.