
Unless he's talking about grapes 'doing the nasty', there is a clear flaw in the final line.

It looked to me like Hoyer had his arm in front of him as he was hit, pinned between himself and Matthews as he fell and got jammed when they both hit the turf.

If she wasn't his daughter, he'd marry her?

But he opened a place in Florida that ISN'T racist! Surely he's to be commended for that…

You know what's really good though? The love of a pet.

That's his move!

Just trade Wentz for a bunch of picks and do RG3 instead.

I use Mackenzie Astin to index my Garbage Pail Kids

Come on, remember when he's prepping everyone for the different ways Vampires might die, or when they backed the car up too far and he yelled "CHRIST!"? Or when he put that superman comic in that section when they hadn't even discovered red kryptonite yet?

The problem with RGV is he's so injury prone… should have drafted Wentz II.

Did it never occur to you that the character who died…

Either that, or necklace makers saw all the Martha Wayne reenactments and were like "Never Again."

Sand people, not jawas. (hikes pants up impossible high)

Kids don't call this a commercial, because they don't know what commercials are. And get off of my lawn!

When life gives you an ESB rehash, make ESB rehash hash!

Sounds like SOMEBODY read the novelizations.

She's related to Palpatine, because he has that accent too, but also does the same awkward stabbing motion with the lightsaber. Also an actual theory.

Wait, you're saying lighsabers have four buttons? How could Grievous possibly push 16 buttons at once? Maybe he pushed them in sequence..?

Also ketchup on Kraft Dinner (aka "Kraft Macaroni & Cheese" to the uninformed)