
Ifé has grand plans for the Afrodengo brand. The first thing she wants to do is get off of Facebook and create an app for the group. She’s currently looking for funding and support, and plans to apply to the Vale de Dendê accelerator, which is targeting Afro-Brazilians startups based in Salvador.

Obama’s refusal to close Gitmo? Are you serious? Did you pay attention at all?

This is great. Being chosen, has echoes here as well. I hope the group continues.

Yeah, this is all kinds of bullshit. Is the text like The Ring? You get the text and you “die?”

I swear I read this twice and I still don’t understand whats happening here.

1. Stagehand sends “unsolicited racist and misogynist text message” (To those two cameramen? To everyone on staff?)

2. Cameramen complain.

3 ???

4. Questlove supposedly requests that NBC fire “all Caucasian employees who received the unsolicited

She always has the option to say nothing.

Maybe the woman he seduced as a teenager isn’t the best character witness

I bet you think that Hitler was a great artist too.

True, except when you plead your case on social media begging people to support your own movement (#NotMe) and not even considering the fact that maybe some of the more problematic aspects of your life and career might give people pause.

Hey when you have to let your neighbors know you live near them, how far are you legally obligated to go? Like just the street you live on or is it everything within X feet from your house? I bet apartment buildings would be especially tough.

Except one of those things is exploitative and three of them are not. know.

I bet you’re one of those guys that keeps a card in your wallet with the age of consent in every State.

Praise my patron saint of fuckin up basic bitches everywhere. Lemme tell you something when I heard that Naomi and Rihanna were beefing, I almost wept cause how you gon make me choose between Oshun and Yemaya? How!?!? HOW SWAY?!!?.

Right. If I’m gonna waste a prayer on a white rapper, I’m throwing a Hail Mary out for Snow.

When you make Riff Raff look like a reasonable fellow....

Michael just letting you know that we will NOT be having a prayer circle for Post Malone