
Black Flat Earthers are the worst. A few have admitted to believing in it because “you never know” or a difference of an “opinion” is science is always good.

I love this so much. It’s exhausting dealing with people like this. Who have to be on the “other” side of any popular opinion ALL. THE. TIME. And they think it’s cool. One of the funniest and most accurate sayings I’ve seen on Twitter lately is:

I wish they could track repeat viewings. I know folks who are going every day for a week! I’m personally going at least twice and maybe one more time.

If wage equality is know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

He’s also a man, but I see you’re committed to comparing apples to oranges, so carry on.

So, you don’t think that the fact that the black Oscar-winning actress is naturally less valued than the white Oscar-nominated one—especially when that win occurred in a category they were both nominated for, in the same year, for the same film—is an issue? Okay.

The real Miss Piggy says Fake News!

Stopped reading at tomato on a grilled cheese sandwich.

I was grabbing at my wig just to make sure I was still good after that read.

Accurate representation of said scenario

The twitter equivalent of a wig-snatching.

I’m a white guy with a bunch of relatives in Alabama. Back in the 60s an uncle came to visit us in California. One day he was walking down the street with a young black guy coming toward him. When they met, the uncle ran into him and said, “Outta my way n——-.” The guy just turned, dropped him with one punch and kept

Why is London Breed bad for San Francisco and Black people?

I fear this is only the beginning. We will see a Kendu epidemic at grassroots level. A lot of ain’t-shit niggas are about to be launched.


For real, that shit was savage

I respect Charlamagne, despite his problematic nature.

Get Out wins Best Picture or we riot.

Ok. Thanks for your opinion Mr Scrooge. Heaven forbid children get to have fun and at least for a moment escape reality. But our children never get to just be children. They have to pull on imaginary bootstraps 24/7.