
I guess he could always use some of that totally real, liquid $170 billion he is said to have!”

It’s not even clear to me why the “$170 billion” is relevant to the story anyway. Musk was just estimating the cost of the system that would require for it to break-even and that the cost has to be funded.

The main issue with this business strategy is 5G is fast enough to meet most people’s needs and costs way less in infrastructure. Granted “nailing an antenna to anything that doesn’t move” is not great design, but it’s a lot cheaper than launching cubesats into space.

Because Starlink is primarily targeting remote area users where high speed internet service is difficult and expensive, there simply may not be enough target users to recoup the massive initial investment.

But it needs the same disclaimer that Fox lawyers used for Tucker Carlson: “No intelligent person would ever believe anything this man says.”

“Aren’t these rich people the worst?”

Musk doesn’t have $170 billion. Yes, he’s filthy rich, but come on here, he doesn’t have $170 billion. When you guys say shit like this, it undercuts your argument. It comes off as you being disingenuous, so what other things are you being disingenuous about that I might not realize?

Also, they are shitting all over the American flag with that cosplay shit.  It violates the US Flag Code.

Walking is to Trump as reading was to GWB.

LMAO! Love is so self-centered. This reply was perfection!

Um, yes, have you never heard of Hot Ones?

In some cases, such as fermented foods, they actually had a practical purpose before refrigeration/freezing as they allowed food to be eaten months (or even years) after it was obtained.

This is awful, next thing you know we won’t be able to mock gagh or Rokeg blood pie. 

Never seen the show, but perhaps he could replace the Asian “treats” with surströmming (Swedish fermented herring often considered to have the worst food smell -- worse than durian, even). Mocking Swedish food is still okay, right?

I have a very hard time telling someone of high school age that they’re not allowed to heavy-handedly transgress against the some of the normative structures and traditions most relevant to their present stage in life. For a person in high school, that’s gonna be stuff like school sports, cheer, prom, weird dating

I went back and counted. I got 52 ads. Every full screen scroll got a new ad. The worst part is how many bronco images I missed the first time through because my phone was too busy loading all the ads. 

I’d love to read this review, but it’s impossible as it crashes my iPhone 12 more than Vin Diesel crashes movie cars.

Hey Courtney, wait’ll ya getta load a dis:

She looks like Ivanka.

i came across this and tavi gevinson had a side by side of one of her songs and a hole song sounding alike. i think there may be more rips but idk.