
I’ve never throwa book from a moving vehicle but I did once get so freaked out by a book that I removed it from my home at 3 in the morning, put it in a bag and locked it into my car. I then went back inside, locked every door and checked every closet/bathroom/whatever and under the beds before I could go to sleep.

Lol same. That book and David Bowie’s codpiece from Labyrinth were like the tentpoles of my sexual awakening.

I love baths, but I am too tall for a standard bath. I can have my legs submerged and sit upright or I can lay on my back and prop my legs vertically against the wall. It’s miserable. Can’t a girl just soak? Apparently not.

I would love to have a Japanese bathroom. The whole washing then having a soak afterwards idea is really appealing to me.

Skin may be waterproof, but it does absorb other things. How do you think nicotine patches work, teleporter technology?

Or you know, a clear ziplock bag will work. I use sandwich bags when I bike on rainy days.

Oh I had one of these and lost it when I moved. They are amazing.

I do love her coat though.

I have been with a baby on a road trip with a dirty diaper, and you could not have provided a better analogy.

Aw. I was so looking forward to seeing him try to eat a rice dish with his tiny little fingers. You just know he’d mess up and use his left hand and horrify everyone.

jesus that’s sad.

Hahahahahahaha fucking kill me please hahahahahahahahahaha

Does he get a place mat that he can color on too?

Hilariously I and my Jewish grandma were chatting about how maybe the only way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will end is if they get a common enemy and work together to beat the shit out of it. Like France and England used to do.

Wait until September when you read his “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” essay.

She didn’t need the last one. Older folks know how to economise.

Your grandmother sounds fabulous. My 92 year old mother calls Trump “stupid asshole” too. Like when we’re talking and she says “so stupid asshole said he’s going to blah blah blah” I know exactly who she’s talking about.

Let’s not forget that the crime bill actually had the support of leaders from various communities of color. At the time, these communities were being decimated by senseless violence.

But you kept talking to her?

Read a book called Longbourn about the Bennett family servants, and while I don’t think it covers that, the book is pretty unflinching in the grossness of attending to a houseful of people who probably wouldn’t notice if you dropped dead as long as there was someone else there to attend to them. 5 daughters? A lotta,