
Ellen has always struck me as the kind of person who does things exactly the way she wants to, and not coping all that well when she’s contradicted. That doesn’t necessarily translate into a toxic work environment, but at the same time it doesn’t shock me either.

I bought every word of Avengers: Endgame no problemo, so this wasn’t an issue for me either haha.

Given the “it’s one of those time loops you might have heard about” interaction, I kinda get the impression that at some point the script did have a direct reference and it got edited out.

I just watched this because I stan Andy Samberg. Gah, it’s really good for what it is. Much more nuanced than it first appears to me. Lots of trope busting, excellent writing, great casting, solid jokes, and very well plotted and paced. The internal logic is sound and it drops its information bits right at the needed

Because in the real world there are trademarks on popular movie properties like Groundhogs Day, and it’s easier to just pretend they don’t exist then pay massive royalties for the ability to include a brief and unnecessary reference.

Dare I say, the romance felt more real than in rom-coms that don’t have one of those infinite time loop things you may have heard about? 

You wonder, briefly, if Samberg can really play a romantic lead”

Cristin Milioti is so fucking talented. I’m glad she’s getting a steady stream of work. I really liked this movie. It’s maybe Samberg’s best work. Just a solid, fun romcom—which is sorely needed these days.

I think TLOU2 is not a perfect game, but I respect it a lot for what it tries to do, and my regard for it has grown in the week or so since I’ve played it. But I do think they should have trimmed quite a few of the encounters in Seattle, and I think it could have shown or told its character motivations a lot more

I just finished The Last of Us 2, which I adored immensely. That narrative structure is ambitious as hell, and I can’t help but respect it. I’m honestly somewhat surprised by how divisive it’s been. From the trailers and such, it was exactly as I expected it to be.

I actually liked this show and thought it hit the spot for summer viewing, but something I realized was that since the major network season ended I’ve done most of my watching on streaming services, and that honestly made it more difficult to remember when it was on. Also, while Monday at 10 isn’t necessarily a bad

“Grand Hotel” is another example. Even with Eva Longaria producing, the show didn’t get a second season.

The further out from my viewing of Weathering With You the more I think I love the ending. The message of 99 out of every 100 of these anime films feels like it’s “family and tradition are important, please be kind to your grandparents even if you think their devout Shintoism is a little hokey” (including Your Name

Sweet. I don’t think there’s another serious contender for the title of “best superhero show”. Doom Patrol comes in second, but it’s quite a gap.

I loved this show. It sat on my list forever before I gave it a shot. I wish i had watched it earlier. 

A lot of this show is shot near my girlfriend’s house in Hamilton, Ontario. Last time I was up there, we got to walk around a lot of the exterior sets and facades that are set up all along the main drag. Pretty cool. The detail in them is amazing, and it’s trip to see them on the show now.

Just started watching season 1, as this show flew under my radar last year, and I enjoyed the quirkiness and performances in the pilot. Looking forward to the rest.

“It doesn’t help that it gets a little hung up on the pseudoscientific logistics of the loop.”

I saw a test screening just a few weeks before the shutdowns began. I liked it and man, the fact that Cristin Milioti isn’t one of the biggest stars in the world is an absolute shame. The twist of her spending her entirety learning a scientific way of breaking out of the loop was such a smart move.

I suspect that it’s just plain going to do well even without including a “nice guy” sop to men (and, actually, PS: there is a completely sympathetic male character in this movie). Sounds like an opening of $30 million or more could be in the offing. And it supposedly cost less than $10 million, so it could open to