
There are classes being taught in Elementary school these days that could easily be titled “If You Saw it on the Internet It’s Probably Bullshit”. There’s hope for the future. 

This image reminds me, the plot in the episode is taken straight from The Simpsons episode “The Telltale Head”, although instead of a statue, it’s a tree in Duncanville.

a participation trophy (a musty old joke about millennials that seems out of place for a show about a Gen Z teen)

This left a good first impression I thought. It was better than Bless The Harts, which wasn’t bad but wasn’t all that good either. Duncanville is much more lively. They are off to a good start but we’ll see if it lasts.

Galentine’s is about celebrating the day/night with your girlfriends, regardless of who’s single and who isn’t. Same thing as “Palentine’s”, which is starting to make the rounds.

Everything I’ve heard is that they’re basically transplanting modern FF gameplay into it, so I think you’ll be disappointed.

I like basically everything I’ve seen so far. I’m not expecting some sort of revolution like the original game was, but I hope it’s more than just another button-masher like their recents. 

That sounds so very hard, bless your heart. 

If menstruation and heels are the benchmarks of womanhood, sign me the fuck out. It’s been a hell of a lot longer than 28 days since wendy had a cycle lol

It's an entertaining show there's not much more to it than that. I enjoy it, but if someone doesn't like it from a few episodes I wouldn't try to convince them otherwise. There's nothing hugely innovative and it's not like you'll learn anything. 

If you don’t dig the first season the show isn’t for you.

The formula appears to be every other Craig Bond film is excellent.. Casino Royale - wonderous, Condoms of Salsa ( lol)- meh, Skyfall - perfect,  Spectre- No Time To Die is hopefully going to be amazing. 

Great, thanks... now I have to listen to that track for the millionth time. As I said: great, thanks!

I’m pretty sure this movie will be a goddamn mess, and everything from the set seems to confirm that. having said that, between Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Rami Malek and Fukunaga, it will probably be a very interesting mess, which I’ll take over the last boring-ass movie any day

It’s no MGS Snake Eater”, but I mess with it.

“Spectre and whatever the one after Casino Royale was called”.

Ooh, nicer than expected.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right”

Martha Momma told Snoop to apologize, eh? That’s cool. Forgive but never forget, you fucked up, Calvin, you will need to work to re-claim that status you had in the community (for fucking what, I don’t know, y’all who worship troglodytes like him have your janky ass reasons, I guess).

The live action version of Aladdin follows the same plot as the animated version - for the most part - but the similarities are exaggerated. Jasmine has a much more substantial role in the live action version and adds an exuberance and ambition that eclipses any other character in the film.