
The first 3 seasons were a masterclass in cutting through the crap that are filler eps, season long arcs and plot armor. They moved a mile a minute and it was never boring... also Katherine was one of the best villains on tv.

I was pretty disappointed by how tame this episode was, considering the director was Gregg Araki. I’m low-key kinda obsessed with his work.

And I get that. But I want the allusions they’ve made in regards to Will explored. (Or they shouldn’t have alluded to them in the first place).

I agree. I hope the “other issues” Will deals with this season is something to do with his alleged gayness.

Modern update sounds like Alias mixed with Homeland. I’m intrigued. Good luck.

Though depending on how much stake one puts in some of the subtext surrounding the character, the interest of the young ladies may in fact be another source of “Am I a freak?” turmoil for the poor little guy.

We need a downvote button for stupid-ass comments like your’s. Noah was fucking excellent in S2, all the more surprising because he was barely present through the entirety of S1, so we had no idea if he had skills or not. And it turned out he did.

He was excellent in Season 2.

This is a bad take and I want you to know that.

Wait, so the president of the United States actively trying to discredit the media has negative effects?

As someone who was diagnosed as on the spectrum in my 30s and who is raising 2 boys on the spectrum I am torn on these kinds of movies.

You are still Wrong, Canadian. And hey, speaking of asspain, you don’t have to continue to inflict them upon yourself, you know.. You can just *not* read the guy’s articles.

His criticism certainly seems to have pushed your buttons. 

So much for race bias.

She thinks she is worth more than $500,000. She is probably right. She was offered 1/40th of what men were offered and 1/23rd of what a white woman was offered and she thinks that race and sex play into that decision. She is probably right.

We have that already and it’s called Donald Trump.

At least No More Heroes makes a stab at being subversive. The lion’s share of modern anime is some combination of too lazy or too afraid of angering it’s increasingly niche fanbase to even do that.

tl;dr - “welcome to 99.99% of modern anime”

very clever of you

The Netflix deal was really bad for the show’s quality, and yet, I’m sure it’s guaranteed it at least a few more seasons. :(