Chris Ferejohn

“The fuck” is probably all she has, which isn’t really worth much in money.

Absolutely nothing.

Fuck this. I am on the neurodivergent spectrum. That doesn’t excuse assault. It’s not a fucking get-out-of-jail-free card.

TL;DR - Everyone involved is dirty but there weren’t any deepfakes involved.


And how many times do they have to be told that nobody transitions in order to win at sports?

I’m not even trans and I’m fucking tired of people without a fucking ounce of credibility or expertise on trans kids saying “wHAt AboUt _________”. Listen to the kids and the fucking experts, and then shut the fuck up. This bullshit faux-concern about the kids is just a thin veil (at best) for transphobia.  

Dax could quite simply duck out of a conversation he’s out of his depth in and all these assholes who magically developed major concerns about women’s sports overnight could maybe make an attempt at being less transparent about the fact that they’ve found a clever way to disguise their sense of ick about trans folks. 

GQP donor is big mad about the violation of HIS ex-wife, but she’s cool with the leopards taking a few nibbles on her face as long as enough peoples get their faces bit worse.

It’s like that old saying - I think it goes, “one bad apple has absolutely no effect whatsoever on the whole barrel.

Respecting Howard Stern’s opinion is somehow the most surprising development of recent months.

Because you are getting in on the ground floor. This is how to decentralize and disrupt the establishment. The line can only go up. Its on the crypto blockchain which is the future of everything.  No more banks, no more taxes, no more government, no more gelato.  This is happening.  Don’t be a beta.

You’re a bad person, and literally everyone around you knows it.

fat-tailed dunnart

“Wow guys. I can believe we pulled this project together so quickly. As I watch the rocket take off, I just can’t believe we got all the needed approvals for take off and re-entry done in time”

She wears wide legged pants. What they could do to avoid the controversy would be to size the clothes so that they’d fit him well instead of being comically short. It’s not like Tennant had never worn intentionally gender-bending clothes on screen, either. This would have been far less noticeable.

Or just fucking show it because transphobes are assholes and you don’t need to concern yourself with their feelings.

That’s an interesting, and credible alternative explanation; that the shoot was last minute and they simply didn’t have the costume. And yeah, easier then to handwave it away with some vague notions of discretion for quick kudos. I googled to remind myself and, yeah: Jodie’s costume was BARELY feminine that Tennant

Oh, you mean it’s entirely possible to treat your workers like human beings and pay them a good wage and still make millions of dollars for yourself and the studio heads are just lying sacks of crap?