Chris Ferejohn

I’ve been in this situation multiple times because my parents were drug addicts and did many many illegal things, specifically mom. I loved her so freaking much, even though she was in no way fit to be a parent. I wrote the letter, and people were like “How could you do that??” Because she was my mom, I loved her, and

Fun fact: In order to get their BLM permit re-upped for the following year, the amount of moop (aka trash) leftover on the playa must fit in a one gallon zip lock bag. That’s one gallon ziplock bag of trash, for 70,000 people. The fact that people have chosen to lose their shit over Burning Man when literally ANY

Christina Ricci is awesome. I realize that she is not Wednesday Addams in real life, but it would be nice if she got revenge on her abuser Wednesday-style

That’s the big distinction between comics IPs and most others. Harry Potter is a single story. Sure, there was enough world building done to potentially tell more stories, but as we’ve seen with Fantastic Beasts, it’s a much bigger risk to debut them as $100m+ blockbusters, instead of churning out dozens of stories

Here’s the thing.  When you ARE a good dad, you don’t need external validation of same.  And people who say “you’re not a good dad”, well, you simply know they are wrong ... and why listen to people who are wrong?

Ian Mckellen was meant to be Gandalf, just as Christopher Lee was meant to be Saruman. And that is an encouraging thought...

Gotta stop this whole burning man is for the rich thing. Yes, there are people with money out there, lots of them. But the majority are just regular people, in a van, a rented RVs, people car camping. But the camps and tech bros whatever the fuck that is, get the attention.
This is not a rich sport. Tickets are

Burning Man, by nature, is what you make it.

SAG-AFTRA granted those productions ‘waivers’ which essentially means that AMC has agree to the contract demands of SAG-AFTRA now, to be updated by whatever SAG-AFTRA and the AMPTP decide on later. while they are officially called waivers, the better way to think about these are “interim contracts.” they are fully

Did you need a sarcasm tag? Okay, here it is.

Anyone who thinks they’re such a good parent that they need to make videos about how other people should do it like them is probably not a good parent.

I find this take to be offensive bullshit. I know some parents whose kids like Andrew Tate. These people are very involved in their kids lives, and do the best they can to teach their kids good values. They don’t like Andrew Tate any more than you do. The problem is that a certain number of impressionable kids are

Kindly go fuck yourself up a hot stovepipe

requiring Ju’Coby Pittman, a Jacksonville city councilwoman representing the neighborhood where the shooting happened, to intervene to and ask the crowd to listen. Pittman declared that “it ain’t about parties today,”

No, no, you see, Warner Bros actually is paying for all the ticket sales themselves and the theatres are all empty! They are just empty seats! The only people who have seen Barbie are the feminazis and wokesters who hate America! This is why Disney is going broke!

As is always the case, studios are going to take all the wrong lessons from why this movie was such a smash hit.

Spot on. Men are famously unconcerned with women’s physical attributes, and never have anything negative to say about their bodies. No guy I know has ever even commented on a woman’s appearance. It’s all about what’s on the inside.

I seem to be genetically blessed re: cholesterol. To be clear, the reason I am on a 1800 calories a day restriction is because I am morbidly obese and have high blood pressure (though am improving on both fronts and have lost almost 100lbs since the start of the year).

This seems like a silly question to me. Of course the addition of one joke Clooney cameo did not affect the film reception to any significant degree.