Chris Ferejohn

What I am willing to take to task is the fact that multiple Asian characters, including the titular Dr. No, are played by white actors in yellowface.”

Please do not do this unless it’s asked for by the unions themselves. They know best about the best way to show solidarity. As said below, boycotts also hurt the people who get residuals from the project. If the union asks for boycots, then do it. 

Putting purity clauses into contracts is just another way to control people's -- primarily women's -- bodies.

Ultimately an increase in pay isn't a huge concession. The studios are rich and a small decrease in profits is a pretty easy pill to swallow, especially if it's only for the short to medium term. It's the parts about how the industry is controlled that are the bigger issue for both sides. If the studios can get away

“A loss”, in the sense of liberally reworked numbers bullshitted up for tax purposes. Part of the strikes is that we don’t actually know what shows push subscribers, nor the calculations by which the studios make these decisions, because the studios, unlike those putative steel plants, are not required by law to

That’s why it’s so stupid.

This is fascism. Murderous thugs in the streets egged on by fascist Republicans like Trump. Meanwhile, other Republicans defend Trump and hope they can weasel their way to the top of the fascist pile. If you are a Republican, you are condoning fascism. You are a fascist. You are a Nazi.

Keep normalizing white supremacy/nationalist ideologies. What could go wrong? Oh, that’s exactly what led to the Native holocaust in the Americas and the Jewish holocaust. Btw it can and will happen again if these dangerous ideologies aren’t resisted.

The “the obese milkin’ welfare”, or anyone else milkin’ welfare

“I never thought it would happen to me, but...”

“Does the removal of blocking in this context really matter?”

Yeah, you're probably right. But between the maga doofuses, and complete assholes, it would be nice to just snip. 

I’m as anti-Musk as pretty much anyone else here, so my asking of this is not me defending him. It’s actually because I’m sure I must be missing something because if he supports doing it it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a stupid idea lol.

god I wish I could just say Twitter

To be fair, lots of people probably do Part A. It’s where Part B is listed as some kind of normal consequence that I get lost.

Twitter as humanity’s collective consciousness. Christ, you pretentious silver-spooned dork will you please shut the fuck up. Yes, the 4% or whatever of people on earth who are on Twitter, or at least whatever percentage of that 4% are blue-checks so their opinions count, should stand for all of humanity as they bitch

but the people making the games aren’t setting the price, their bosses are. Your beef is with suite level employees and you’re letting them off scott free. 

Another important variable is that, historically, that $70 is extremely low for what a lot of “average gamers” expect from a game. A top-tier RPG in 1995 cost $80, which is about $160 in 2023 dollars.

I caught an advanced screening with the director in ATX last weekend.

Cindy looks like Julia Roberts. Bizarre.

They’re the same people lol.