Chris Ferejohn

He did something stupid pretty early on and she has yet to EXCUUUUUUUSE HIM.

That, and it’s not a college town.

Me 20 years ago: “If Disney would stop lobbying for longer and longer copyright protections, we could finally have some interesting art made from works entering the public domain!”

Me now: “Oh.” 

I literally was responding to a guy by saying not everything he liked in-office was liked by everyone else, is it really so hard to imagine the same about work from home?

“I miss my work friends” is a reasonable response to WFH. It’s not a compelling reason to force anyone else to return to the office.

Making the staff write relentlessly about the writers’ strike is probably the most ironic and lousy thing the unionbusting bosses at the AVClub have done.

Disney is not in a position of power here. If they go nuclear and just pick up and leave, you can guarantee that another brand will just snap up the real estate and make it an extension of their own parks.

I mean, 2 things are true here:

you’d think the fact that it was just an excuse to murder women and didn’t have anything to do with witches would have ruined the phrase, but here we are.

It’s a miracle! We must thanks His Noodliness for bestowing this gift of bounty upon us!

I’m sorry, bug. You are absolutely right! xxoo

You’re not a bright person, are you?

As promised, I went down and distributed coffee and donuts at the Netflix picket line in Hollywood this morning. Said hi to Colton Dunn and David Wain. We’re planning to go down once a week to give out coffee, food, etc. as long as the strike runs.

Except this time he likes sand.

Help help somebody I’m drowning in all this freedom.

Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man debuted in 2002 and Tom Holland’s in 2016, so it’s three in 14 years. Four in 16 if you include Into the Spider-Verse.  I don’t think it’s unreasonable for someone to get fatigue from that.

Well, yes, the privilege of having so much money by age 20 that she never has to work again. Seems like a healthy view to not do things that don’t make you happy when your economic situation allows you to do so.

Man, whoever looks at Melanie Lynskey and thinks "ew, gross," doesn't deserve nice things

That encompasses his 1994 comeback fight with 26-year-old Michael Moore

This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!