Chris Ferejohn

I’m reminded of The Wrong Guy (David Foley movie from like 20-odd years ago), where he ends up helping the small family owned bank who is being driven out of business by rich, heartless farmers.

The Star Spangled banner isn’t all that difficult if you remember to start as low in your range as you can. Most people can manage the octave-and-a-fifth somewhere in their range, but when you hear someone start the “oh say can you see” in the middle of their range, you know they’re going to be screwed by “and the

I mean it could have played out in some way where Arya wanted to be able to gloat and rub it in and left herself open to something she hadn’t anticipated (maybe related to The Mountain, who in this version hadn’t yet had a showdown w/The Hound). It would make sense as an arc for Cercei since certainly one of here

The infrastructure is the big problem for me. I live in the middle of Silicon Valley (Mountain View), and if I had an EV I have no idea where I could possibly charge it. I’d need literally hundreds of feet of extension cord and a preturnatural amount of trust in my neighbors (in a condo).

USAopoly changed their name to “The Op” and now does lighter hobby games (Telestrations probably being the most well known) in addition to their monopoly stuff.

What a weird way to think about it. At 18 and 19 you are both a teenager and an adult. Those categories aren’t mutually exclusive.

You are an actual psychopath or you are doing a bit.

It wouldn’t stamp out illegal immigration so much as force businesses to get behind immigration reform since many of them effectively depend on illegal immigration for labor.

The cynic in me says not to count him out yet.

I mean when people would pay for them, they definitionally have value, but point taken that they were always a scam / bubble waiting for the bottom to fall out because they were based on, I don’t know, faith?

I feel like Robin Williams was so good as the Genie in Aladdin that the lesson the studio execs took from it was “we need to have stars in our animated movies” and they’ve held on to that like a dog with a bone for 30 years.

Yeah “the sexual assault was ok actually” is really some high grade bullshit.

You know the author of the piece agrees with everything you said and is just reporting what happened on the show, right?

I mean because it sounds like it was expected of them and if they didn’t do it they just wouldn’t get work because if you don’t have a union backing you the studios can just find someone younger and hungrier.

No it isn’t. AI is extremely useful.

John Oliver had a great line about this, which was more or less: “Some trans people choose to use hormone therapy or surgery to be more comfortable with their bodies and identity. Interestingly, medically speaking, this decision is none of your damn business”

I enjoy that the spokesperson goes by 3 names like a serial killer. I assume to avoid being confused with Phillip J Fry of Futurama.

Also, it feels like once certain gains are made it’s going to be very hard to roll them back. Like a lot of this got to where it was because of new media stuff that had no existing rules so the corporations and their lawyers basically said “ok, so everything works completely to our advantage in the absence of any

They try to give help, they are turned down, and they refuse the turn down and aggressively try to help anyway. I agree the sentence is not well written.

Actually significantly more likely to be a victim of crime in your home than a gas station.