Chris Ferejohn

I believe the plural is “Cates Blanchett”

Yeah, if it’s just a flat $2000 or $2400/month for a 120 person company that’s like “CEO keeps bathroom stocked with toilet paper and paper towels”

I think the exact moment when the show really lost it was when they killed Maude Flanders. I don’t know what season it was, but making Flanders from “the guy with the perfect life next door” to “sad sack widower” really gutted what made the character a funny archetype.

William F Buckley, specifically, was occasionally funny, but mostly when he was bashing his fellow conservatives. I mean don’t get me wrong he was also a tremendous asshole.

I mean I imagine it’s a confluence of things. If you are stockpiling weapons *and* you are constantly googling mass shootings, that does seem a cause for concern...

I’m 49 years old and I think most of the couples I know (mostly through my son’s school) met via online dating. At least a large percentage.

The fuck? No one is making fun of them for ‘not getting laid’ - we are making fun of them for making ‘women are only sexual objects and their refusal to have sex with me is the problem with society’ their fucking identity. 

I hope he gets help before he hurts himself or someone else.

I love Southwest for short flights. I live near San Francisco/San Jose and its’ great for the 1-2 flights to San Diego, Portland, etc. I’ve always found the flight attendants to be friendlier than other airlines (and from some friends I have who have worked as such for a few airlines they generally found Southwest to

He looks like he’s going to fall asleep in that first photo. Makes me think of Prince Vallium from Spaceballs.

That seems plausible - did you read that somewhere or is it just speculation (which is fine - that’s mostly what we’re doing here after all).

What a dumb argument. Like if there was a game released where you torture children and animals, people would be justifiably absolutely up in arms, “just a game” or not. 

Agreed, in case that wasn’t clear from my previous statement.

Yes I’m fine. It’s only a paradox if you believe that tolerance is absolute and if you are tolerant you must be tolerant of everything. You can be tolerant of people’s ethnicity, sexuality, and beliefs without being tolerant of their denying others the same thing.

It doesn’t, but it does that she was, by all accounts, a shitty and abusive person.

Are you a cop? You have to tell me if you’re a cop.

It’s only a paradox if you think in absolutist terms like a 12 year old or a libertarian. You can be tolerant without needing to support the intolerant.

Right, he has no obligation to do so, but if he thinks it is valuable to allow free speech within his own control, then that is also up to him. He does appear to recognize that allowing unfettered hate speech is not good, but also that having Nazi character models and insignia’s makes some sense if you’re doing WWII

Also the Bruckheimer-ness of it. The scene in the beginning where they are gleefully throwing black powder around an icelocked boat just made me laugh so hard because it really seemed like they worked backward from “how can we make this ice-locked boat spectacularly explode?”

I’m no expert here but I have to imagine the parentage of each of the 8 steps of the Ptolemaic line leading to Cleopatra is similarly murky. I’m pretty certain you could make a series of reasonable conjectures that would make you think she was fairly European looking and ones that could make you think she looked more