Chris Ferejohn

I always thought of Dr Teeth as like George Clinton.

So it’s a “serious” game where Arya Stark can fight Shaggy. That is weird right?

“Is that short for Radagast?” “No, Radagon”

Yeah they went from “I didn’t know there was a pizza so bad that 20-something year old me would refuse to eat it” to “this is fine I guess”.

I have seen no report that those screenshots and DMs were fake.

I’m with you (50 in a couple months), but i gotta say listening to Heather Anne Campbell on talk about it on Get Played makes it awfully tempting.

No, the presumption of the legal system is innocence. Even if you were to make the questionable assertion that these charges were entirely unfounded, all of the horrific behavior towards underage girls is plenty for a company/the people at that company to reasonably not want to associate with him.

Or rather “you can’t prove I beat my partner,” so even below that already low bar. 

TiL that Cyrano de Bergerac was a real person...

I mean it reads like a joke. I don’t really know anything about the guy who said it though.

I bailed when they listed Don John in the plus column. 

Right, but I expect you are still going to watch it. You may be annoyed that you were spoiled and go to greater lengths to avoid spoilers in the future, but I just can’t imagine that “spoilers” make a big impact on movie numbers (compared to, say, “shitty reviews”).

I’m sure that’s what they are worried about, but I would be genuinely amazed if scrips getting spoiled has any effect on who goes to see a movie.

Ianal, but I think premeditated would mean he planned to kill someone in advance. This seems more like a heat of passion thing, which i think is, umm, 2nd degree? Like I said I’m not a lawyer.

To me that’s not a look of fear, it’s a look of “I’m going to get that asshole”, but I grant ascribing intent to 2 seconds of video is hardly rock solid proof.

Also that look and aiming before he shoots - that’s not self defense, that’s “I’m going to shoot this motherfucker”

At least there is some kind of directive. I’m sure even people who are diligent wouldn’t eliminate all spam, but it’s gotten pretty bad on my phone (and my wife’s) just in the last couple months, so I’m glad that at least some movement is happening.

Or he was trying to thread the needle and giving himself cover to say it was a “joke” if called on it, which is a pretty standard move in the fascist playbook. 

I disagree. He had a lot of dialog in that movie and he had to come across as kind of innocent and charming and sympathetic despite the fact that he is introduced kidnapping an innocent woman and threatening to kill the guy who is trying to rescue her.

I mean that basically *is* what the researchers are saying. The question is why would apes (and for that matter us) intentionally make themselves less able to handle threats by spinning around/using drugs alcohol, evolutionarily speaking. It seems like a trait that would be selected against in terms of pure survival,