Chris Ferejohn

“Hey kid, you’re not sparking joy. Sorry you have to go.”

It does feel like they found a photo that would instantly engender hatred from anyone who didn’t know who he was (which I did not). I mean if the name “Yung Gravy” didn’t already make you do so.

I also just picked up Persona 5 after the Get Played podcast crew all seemed to enjoy it so much. I’ve never really played a JRPG as such, so some of the conventions are a little weird (though I don’t know what’s JRPG-standard and what’s specific Persona 5 weirdness), but the visual style and music are A+ and I’m also

Because even if he turns out to be completely innocent of the things he is accused of legally, the well documented being gross to underage girls is more than enough for any company to want to terminate their relationship with him.

Asimov really nailed it with this quote (which many have probably already seen, but seems appropriate here anyway): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life,

From a practical standpoint I imagine the kids, well, getting visibly older makes it hard to focus as much on the kids over multiple movies, but I agree the coming of age story is really what made the first movie work - the bad guys were...fine, but the dramatic height of the movie was him finding his mom and

I was just coming to say that.

I never new Zoidberg would be even funnier if you made him a roided up super-villain, but here we are.

I mean, neither of those things are particularly OK, but anti-vaxxing, as a movement, is far more damaging to the world (though granted the amount of power and ability to sway people’s minds Cruise wields in the world of scientology is vastly more than Wright has as an anti-vaxxer).

Yeah, I mean GTA that’s kind of the joke (leaving aside whether you find ‘the joke’ funny), but when you are trying to make a game where the characters are schoolchildren (or at least affiliated with a school), using the same lack of a moral compass just makes it feel like you’re just palette-swapping any old “kill

I am perfectly aware of all of those incidents. None of them rose to the level of “news story” like, say, Serena Williams yelling at the ump.

I’m really trying to not get my hopes up, but this honestly looks great. Like I can picture a board state for all of those fight scenes. “I jump into the gelatinous cube” is exactly the sort of thing that would be a running joke in a D&D campaign.

Yeah, if he’d thrown it *at* somebody, or physically or verbally assaulted his opponent (or anyone else), sure. I mean, it’s obviously not a good look, and he’s probably embarrassed about it, but what exactly are people suggesting should be done?

Except none of those are stories, those are all shit that happens routinely at sporting events.

I remember that. I think the angle was “this is *so* weird nobody would make it up”

Yeah, I really enjoyed Knight and Day. I’m not going to call it a great movie, but Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz have charisma to spare.

Did he agree to that photo being taken? I know very little about Winehouse and her relationship with her father, but that photo feels really..icky.

It’s fine to take it seriously - it’s that he seems to think that being serious means “method acting” as the Joker (sending dead rats to co-workers) and Morbius (evidently insisted on being ‘disabled’ the whole time on set leading to 30-40 minute bathroom breaks).

I don’t think he’s incapable of being good (people speak highly of his Mark David Chapman portrayal though i haven’t seen it), but it feels like he’s treated like he’s this irreplaceable unique talent who is worth putting up with all his bullshit, and I just don’t see it subjectively, and objectively I don’t see

His whole character just seemed superfluous frankly.