
Of course there are people who take it too far or are just flat out stupid or wrong and that's why each case needs to be evaluated individually. Like that Louis CK monologue on SNL was genius and the outrage over it absurd. But one of the things I love about Louis CK is he almost always aims at people who are

You can think and feel whatever you want internet human. I've just heard these complaints about political correctness a lot lately. No one is telling Seinfeld or Rock or anyone else that they can't think and say whatever they want to think and say. But when a celebrity complains about PC backlash it always sounds like

I actually know pegging cause I love Broad City.

I was accurately describing the dude. But thanks brah!

What does "deeply problematic" mean? It's a vague phrase. I like descriptive specificity. Like "ignorant" or "wrong" - those are good specific adjectives that could apply to statements by i dunno - people.

It would have been clearer, i admit, if I had written "because of uncontrollable aspects of their identity like race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, age and sexual orientation" instead of "a particular demographic" - I was being lazy. Thanks for the correction though.

Are you comparing expressing hateful ideology which is a choice, the result of thought and introspection and deliberate action to being gay which clearly is not. I don't choose who to love or be sexually attracted to but I definitely choose what to read and learn about, I choose what to say and how I want to express

You don't write someone off because they belong to a particular demographic. You write them off because of their words and actions and then recognize that aspects of their identity and the social privilege that accompanies that identity contribute to their perspective.

First of all - no invective - the entire statement was expressed with a sort of bored yawn. Second, bi black trans women don't usually think that political correctness is a rampant problem considering they spend the majority of their lives being insulted/disrespected in text and speech, and are routinely battered and

Are those not accurate descriptors? Maybe I should have used older since it sounds less pejorative, but the rest are accurate unless i'm mistaken…

Chut up! Doofus! (<——irony and humor hopefully obvious)

Yeah, that'll show me - cause the point of commenting on an article online is to directly communicate with the article's subject.

Spoken like an increasingly irrelevant obscenely wealthy old straight cisgender white male.

I hope the endgame for this show is that after six seasons of doing absolutely nothing Big Head is a billionaire CEO.

Does it make it better or worse that i knew what an Eiffel tower was?

I'm bookish and innocent like that girl that just got burnted.

My comment has now led to me learning a term for a sex act. Hurray for the internet.

lol I'm not perverted enough to anticipate these new terms.

Yeah burning your sweet bookish genius of a daughter alive sort of demolishes any good will you may have garnered.

Cool Dragon Bro.