
Also, shaving has reduced Timothy Dalton's badass level by 1000%.

If you're looking for a big payoff already there definitely isn't one. However, given the characterization from last season watching the show now is significantly more satisfying. It feels like it has real potential and the focus is no longer primarily on Joe - more focus on Cameron and Donna who are by far the most

Joe realizing that he accepted a job as a glorified file clerk was amusing. Also enjoyed the casual misogyny of the VCs Donna and Cameron met with - felt accurate. Have to say i'm already a bit bored with the Gordon as coke addict plot, though whoever is in charge of music on this show rules - using I Am The Fly from

Yeah Dorian is interested in you for as long as you're entertaining and as soon as something more interesting comes along, something stranger or less familiar, he's off paying attention to that.

Cool to see Ethan change finally and I'm happy they're doing a more humanoid werewolf instead of achieving it with CG. The rain of blood was visually spectacular though it felt narratively superfluous.

Also, I love the half hour format - it makes the weirdness feel like it's happening at breakneck speed.

Been a silent fan of this show since Random Jean first called in and asked what the show was about and was invited to be a member of the panel thus giving birth to the long line of Randoms that reached its zenith with Messenger Bag who is now a permanent part of the llc. So proud of these funny people who I've never

Yeah but the problem is if you look at the way the first season and the plot and episode beats are structured they clearly were setting out to make Joe the enigmatic focus. I think they changed their mind for this season and that's a good thing cause I love Cameron and Donna and even Gordon is a more interesting

I love Jin-Yang. I want him to be my friend.

Also i'm starting to understand that the main problem with the first season was that it was trying to be an eighties tech boom analogue to Mad Men with Lee Pace as the enigmatic focus of the story a la Don Draper, just retooled to represent the Wall Street greed is good business culture of that decade. The issue was

I actually really enjoyed this episode and am psyched for the season. It feels like we know these people now and they're all in positions where a significant amount of possibility can be explored for each of their storylines - it will be interesting to see how they set up a central conflict and whether that conflict

Well technically Viktor and Vanessa shopping and Lyle and Ethan bantering always subtly relate back to the main narrative. The Gray/Angelique story feels decidedly disconnected right now - but it's clearly on purpose so that we don't guess that it matters to the central plot.

Honestly I was just bored. I wanted there to be more story. The episode was still enjoyable despite spending half of its runtime on boning.

I have a feeling that the show is building to a reveal where we discover how the Gray/Angelique story dovetails into the defending Vanessa Ives from becoming Satan's bride story - the problem is that while we wait for the reveal and watch their love story it feels like we're getting diverted from the main narrative

I know it's Showtime and I like a good sex scene as much as the next guy but those sex scenes felt like they went on forever. Just interminable boning.

As far as the movies go - The Silence of the Lambs by Jonathan Demme is the best, followed by Manhunter by Michael Mann - the rest of the movies are utter garbage and I'm really looking forward to seeing the Red Dragon storyline and aspects of Hannibal Rising done well in this series which is probably one of the best

I'm surprised no one's mentioned how Jenny McCarthy said that getting your pet vaccinated causes Pawtism.

For the record I thought Leno was waaaaaay worse.

Understand he's iconic and successful. Found his style off-putting and unfunny. Barely watched. Won't miss.

Gonna basically copy/paste what I wrote below cause it works: