
Yup - but Don also nurtured this delusion that because he could manipulate men like Leonard that he wasn't like them, that he was special and somehow above them. When Leonard expresses his deepest fears and they turn out to be identical to Don's he understands and accepts that he is not in fact significantly better or

It's seriously baffling to me how so many viewers need everything spelled out for them. The show wasn't even subtle about it. There is no argument here - in the universe of Mad Men Don created that iconic Coke ad. Period.

Also the leaving and returning thing reinforces the Don as Christ motif we've seen throughout the season.

Definite irony, but he's also thinking/talking about death there, right?

It's no accident that Leonard's vision of heaven is to be chosen by the smiling people from a refrigerator, like a frosty cold beverage. Everyone's a product.

Ultimately it's about the American dream isn't it. The lie of it - that you can purchase or earn entry to a kind of capitalist heaven on earth, eternal life in a utopian community, everlasting health, bliss that never ends, love from everyone and for everything.

Patti Lupone was incredible as always.

But I love Hannibal - best show on network television. I think when a show is that well made and honors the source material by Harris which used Blake really well and back in the early eighties before every writer started pillaging him, I'm fine with it.

I love Blake as much as the next viewer but i really wish writers would stop defaulting to him whenever the narrative requires a sense of metaphysical weight.

Poor Betty.

Imagine Gavin Belson incurring the wrath of every aggro UFC fan.

Also did his dick turn into a cruller?

it happens in these comments all the time recently…

Wasn't he still dreaming? That's how I interpreted it - his brain doing a sort of moral correction in dreamtime since he didn't behave the way he felt he should have in real time. Which of course doesn't negate your point - it is overused.

I love when this show gets more surreal than usual.

I'll tell you why, sir!

This was incredibly well done.

One of the first things Don does when he's left alone in his new office is to test the strength of the plate glass windows, like a prisoner trying to bend the bars of his cell. Or maybe he secretly hopes he can break through…

yeah, no one likes to get raped either - still happens to women at an alarmingly high rate…

Also, Bobby was eating two bananas and a plate of french fries at the end.