
Can Damien Chazelle make a musical about the only thing he knows anything about i.e. being an atrocious filmmaker who repeatedly gets accolades for his terrible films… it would be so meta.

Michael Showalter saying "Spill them greasy beans Mike!" needs to be someone's ringtone.

What specifically makes no sense? Just wondering cause I've read this criticism a lot but most don't elaborate.

I think the writing is great. It's subtle though - almost everything interesting is subtext. To each his own.

Do you think the writers deliberately named Felix and Sylvester after famous cartoon cats? I remember hearing a theory that a sufficiently advanced A.I. that was remotely benevolent would think of humans as the equivalent of beloved pets. Wonder if that's what the writers were going for with those names.

Loved how that scene with Maeve watching through the glass doors as Felix and Sylvester talk about bricking her references 2001 a space odyssey with Hal watching Dave and Frank plot his shutdown/murder.

Have you actually met a human before? People will avoid taking responsibility for their actions and dig themselves deeper and deeper into a hole. If there's still hope of getting away with something most humans just keep fucking up until they are literally forced to admit to wrongdoing. It's not at all ludicrous.

::Photo of American Flag with Swastika replacing stars::

"Ain't hindsight grand…" - the unofficial slogan of 2016.

You're absolutely right and i feel like a dum dum for not noticing how unbalanced that photo's composition was.

miniature world?

I mean it's definitely a big puzzle box of a show but it's also so atmospheric and so elegantly constructed that I'm happy to just live in that space for an hour each week. Also, it's the first season of a show the creators want to stretch to 5 seasons - I'm sure the more in depth topics will be broached in the future

Ford mentions that there are very few hosts left that were built by Arnold - later we see Bernard scrolling through a list of those hosts and they include Dolores and Teddy - i don't remember Maeve being on it but she probably is and it's possible that only Arnold's hosts are capable of full sentience due to some

You're wrong - I re-watched it multiple times to be sure. It's actually so deliberate that the camera follows Bernard so that the wall is out of frame and then Theresa mentions the door and the camera pans back to reveal her looking at the door that hadn't been there before as Bernard says "What door?" - they're not

Dude - when Bernard first discovered that cottage and the Host that looks like Ford's father rushes toward him and starts choking him - Ford appears out of nowhere by that side wall - no door visible to us because we were still seeing via Bernard's perspective. In this episode he walks in and he doesn't see a door at

That's what he did - the picture is of Arnold and Ford but we saw it through Bernard's perspective and his mind replaced Arnold (himself) with a picture of Ford's father (Remember Arnold built the Hosts that look like Ford's family so if Bernard has most of Arnold's memories he would know what Ford's father looks

But we already learned that what Bernard saw in the picture was actually an image of Ford's father - and Bernard is a host who is programmed to not see/replace anything that might upset him or mess with his programming.

Okay, agree to disagree, but if I'm right come back and read my 'I told you so' ;).

Think about it - in the last episode when Ford and the MiB are sitting across the table from each other with Teddy sitting in the chair between them - the MiB mentions that he'd need a shovel to dig up the man he wanted to talk to (i.e. Arnold). The MiB says that if it wasn't for his intervention the park would have

I mean it has to be - they're so obviously setting William up as the man in black and they showed the old logo. I bet the reveal is going to be Dolores' face opening up into four parts and revealing her metal skeleton (like the Host that is a child version of Ford in the last episode) in front of William - we'll