
Yeah even down to the framing - for example this last episode is a Kevin-centric mirror to Looking For The Future from season 1 - both beginning with Patrick sneaking out of bed naked (J. Groff butt shot) and pulling on his underwear and quietly leaving the room, only the shot is inverted with him moving from right to

Also a good point - i have a feeling that it's sort of a tease or a marketing bait and switch. They know that they're playing with the idea of the love triangle to draw people in but then attempting to subvert it by focusing on the growth of the hero through his romantic choices and not the romance itself. It's

Agree completely about wanting more Richie (Castillo is phenomenal). Richie all day please. Just give Richie his own show already.

I actually understand what you're saying now. That's a really good point. I guess I just like the show so much that I'm partly blinding myself to the soapier elements.

This is why I hate having conversations on the net - I honestly didn't mean to patronize though rereading the post I can certainly see how that would be the communicated tone. Apologies all around.

To be honest I think the three of you (vixenbynight72, vallegirl, Elise) may have been conditioned by traditional romantic dramas to expect certain character and structural tropes. I fully understand what each of you are saying but one of the reasons I find this show so refreshing is that the writers seem completely

The song playing while Patrick and Kevin were slow dancing and Richie was watching them is Jessie Ware's "Say You Love Me" - the lyrics:

I have to say that i hated the first few episodes of Enlightened but was eventually converted. There's an episode called "The Ghost Is Seen" that i think is incredible and won me over to the series.

If you do decide to give it another shot watch at least till episode 5 of the first season. Looking For The Future is a phenomenal half hour of TV. Also I'd say Looking errs on the side of drama - it's drama with moments of humor unlike Girls which is the inverse.

I think Looking is suffering because it presents gay relationships as prosaic and non-flashy (unlike QAF which made gay life seem like a never ending circuit party). Straight people don't tune in to see what the debauched gays are up to and a certain gay demographic dismisses it as boring because it's atmospheric

If all you watched was the pilot I strongly suggest watching more - the first episode is unfortunately (to the show's detriment) the worst episode of the series and it gets so good later on.

Wow - either you haven't watched most of the show (or any of the show), you're watching a different show, or you're tasteless and deeply misinterpreting the narrative… maybe some combination.

Honestly the writers are so savvy - they give us Looking For The Future, this episode with Patrick and Richie spending all day together and deepening their intimacy and then they snatch that closeness away. And every episode since has placed more obstacles in the way of them regaining that intimacy. Smart writing but

Best half hour of television i've ever seen. Very reminiscent of Andrew Haigh's great film Weekend which is worth checking out if you liked Looking For The Future.

Yeah I can see how you would interpret it that way cause after all the show is basically about Patrick but I guess I always saw it from Richie's perspective and for him the rejection happened multiple times - first at Dom's birthday party when Patrick was clearly embarrassed by Richie, then on the way to the wedding

I really can't communicate just how sad I'll be if it gets cancelled…

Watch those scenes again if you have access to them. The show's so subtle and beautiful it's worth it. agreed, Ligeya, agreed! :)

The episode this season where Patrick helps Richie with the ice cream truck ends with Patrick apologizing to Richie for the way things ended between them and he says "I need you to know that it wasn't because I didn't like you enough and it wasn't because I couldn't imagine us together in the future" - if Richie was

Richie said "But I'm not going to do that to myself if you're not ready" then he paused and waited for a response (the camera actually goes from a shot of Richie to a shot of Patrick) but Patrick is confused and doesn't know how to feel or respond - it's a pretty long silence with Patrick thinking - so Richie says

Umm Richie didn't leave - he asked Patrick to his face if he was ready to be in love with him and Patrick started crying (partly because of the confusion of the day between the completely understandable argument he had with Richie earlier that day and the unexpected sex with Kevin). Patrick wasn't ready and made it