
Richie watching Patrick and Kevin slow dance at the prom… heartbreaking.

So since there are three episodes left in the season it's pretty clear this Kevin thing is going to crash and burn spectacularly right…?

I would have to partially agree with you there - the writing definitely has a number of flaws but I think even accepting it for what it is (a fun, not especially artful thriller) the characterization and relationship of Wes and AK is enough to explain their behavior (though I do think some more back story for each of

Actually as far as the writers are concerned they probably think they have explained it along the lines of what seeyanever wrote. Spelling things out point by point is a hallmark of bad writing - it's the writer assuming the audience is so stupid that they won't pick up on the established characterization (Wes:

So I re-watched the episode and have a few observations that may or may not be relevant:

I love that Brady is the ONLY person to recognize and get excited about Patrick's lame Gordon Freeman costume - and of course he's rewarded with a drunken passive-aggressive rant cause Patrick is Patrick.

Anyone else notice that the spin painted tee Kevin's wearing looks like his heart literally exploded on his shirt?