Make up your mind, Chuck. Either it’s 270 and you’re ignoring the supers, or it’s 770, counting the 500 superdelegates who have committed but not voted.
Make up your mind, Chuck. Either it’s 270 and you’re ignoring the supers, or it’s 770, counting the 500 superdelegates who have committed but not voted.
Chaffee dropped out, Sanders is still in... So the math is inconvenient for your lazy argument.
You’re going to ask a bunch of questions that have already been asked/answered 12 hours earlier, because you were too lazy to read, and then lecture me on reading??? Lol.
Think about basing doing anything ever based on what Ted Cruz does, and then do the exact opposite.
Already answered this question several times, besides its obvious. As she herself said, its the most important position, you should be ready to debate anytime anywhere.
The San Francisco Chronicle, one of the most liberal publications in the country, offered too, but hey cherry picking is fun.
Bernie wouldn’t debate Trump if Clinton would debate him...
If you’re going to refer to superdelegates, refer to getting rid of them and setting up a more democratic system.
<reads words salad>
If she's such a strong candidate then your last point shouldn't matter
Chuck E. is quite math-challenged. We are fortunate he is doesnt make any of the real choices in this race ;)
Bernie is 272 pledged delegates behind.
Keep telling yourself that. She’s going to be indicted and then the Superdelegates will switch to Bernie
At the end of The night of June 7th, Clinton will have the most pledged delegates, the most votes (by 3 million or more) andthe most super delegates. Added all together, she wins.
You seem new to the whole presidential process so let me break it down for you;
Every winner of the pledged delegates to date has also been the winner of the super delegates, and thus the nominee. Unless they’d do something as crazy as swing the election to Clinton as you oddly claim they would from your prior reply (even if Sanders won every California delegate, thus ended up with more), they…
If it’s hand gesticulations I might be in a coma after the first half hour. Hell, Sander’s pointer fingers alone could do it.
She needs a hell of a lot more than 85 to clinch without super delegates (she’d have to win like 80% of the remaining delegates). She won’t clinch with just pledged; obviously Sanders won’t either. If either of them has more pledged yet the supers go for the other a massive, massive shitstorm will sweep through…
WHY isn’t he immediately taken to task for these comments? “What specific women’s health issues are you interested in combatting? What women’s health organizations might be the recipient of the proceeds?” I’d dearly love to hear the argle-bangle that would surely follow some pointed questions.